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We drove to Keiths house. I had never really been too Keith house. whitch is kinda awkward for me since I will be meeting his parents and sidlings  well if he has any sidlings. I hope he has like a little sister so I can find out some embarassing stuff about him and more about his past. 

I wandered what it would be like at Keiths house. I wandered if his mother of father were nice people. I don't even know if he has parents. But if he does I hope they like me. I hope I like them. 

I shocked about the accident in the car. I was a little shaken up about it but its life. I don't  know what happend. I was so scared I think I am scared for life. now I know how my mother felt when she got in car accident.

finally we arived at his house.  we got out of the car in silence I waited at door for Keith to open it.The frist thing I herd when we walked in is a girlish scream come from the living more followed by a little girl just about the age of 4.

"kewth your home" she scream.

"hey Jenny '' keith said as he opened his arms wide so the little girl could run in for a hug.

"who is tat." she pointed at me.

"Oh that is Cyrus I told you about her right." he asked.

"oh ok." she skiped over and hugged my legs.

"Oh why hello there." I smiled down at her.

"i'm happy." she said.

"and why is that sweaty." I asked.

"because there is another gwril here." she smiled up at me.

I laughed at this girls antics

"umm Jenny that is anuf." Keith samiled down at his little sister who looked so cute with her little arms raped around my legs a little smile planted on that little face of hers with the messy blonde hair everywere.

"She is so cute." I laughed once the little- I mean Jenny left. 

"yeah Jenny is very welcoming." he smiled at that thougt. 

"yeah she is." I smiled. 

"so this is my house." he pointed out.

" I noticed." I laughed. 

"well excuse me for trying to be polite." he he mocked hurt but failed and ended up laughing at himself.

"god, Keith." I lauged.

"shall I give the a tour of me castle." he smiled at me.

"You shall." I smiled at him as he took my hand and lead me tords another room.


ok sorry it is so boring and sorry I have not updated latley I have been really tired and busy with school and friends and family shit like that but I will try and upload more offten.

comment, vote, Fann.

Jordan xox


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