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Its been three weeks. Nothing. Cyrus still didn't remeber me. Luckley we were going to a doctor to try and help Cyrus get her memory back. I was hoping so much that this would work. I needed Cyrus more then ever right now. Jenna was freking out always asking when was Cyrus going to come back from her trip. I would visit Cyrus in the hospital. Yet she still would not remember me. Or anything I said. She would reconize my face sometimes. But not always.

She would sometimes remember bits and pieces of our past it would put a smile on my face but not a 'Oh my god this is the best thing ever." kind of smile/ More like ' Thats.......awesome.' mor elike that. 

I would always smile when I was with Cyrus because if I didn't she would notic somthing was wrong and ask. I would just say nothing but I new Cyrus she would think it was her. She would always apoligize for not remebering me all the time. 

I would say it was fine but she would still say she was sorry. It didn't matter much if she forgot me. She would probely go back to her mother. Then I would have nothing for me here and me and Jenna would go back to our mother to live in pittsbourge. I didn't want to go back to my mother and I didn't think Jenna would want to.

We were on our way to the doctors clinic when Cyrus started to say something.

"Caroleen...No......Cara.....thats not wait I think I have it.........Carolyn yeah Carolyn thats it." I chuckled a little she was remebering her best frind. I didn't think I would ever have to say that.I was pulled away from my thoughts what Cyrus started to speek again.

"keenith......NO.......Keenen......Not some thing else........" Se was trying to remeber my name. I told her when we had gotten in the car but she forgot.Again.I was about to tell her my name when she started again.

"Keith. Yeah thats it your Keith." She smiled at me from the passenger side of the van. 

"You got it." I mubled but smiled anyways. 

"Your a big part in my life. I know that because I keep seing your face in my dreams and-" she stopped right in her tracks. Her cheaks heated and turned crimson. She looked away trying to avoid eye contact. Then started again " Sorry I no that sound a little creepy." 

"Its fine." I smiled a ' I love you .' kind of smile. 

"Well since I know you play a big part in my life can you..ummm... I don't know tell me what part you are in it." She smiled shepishly.

"I am your Fian-" I stopped and then started again " I am your boutfriend."

She gave me a confussed look as if asking what that was. I just sighed and then shook my head.

"You love me, I love you." I said finally  taking my eyes off the road to look at Cyrus for a second. She just started right back. I watched her as she turned her head looking away trying to hide her scarlet cheaks. 

I laughed a little happy to know I still made Cyrus blush like crazy. It was nice to see that Cyrus was gaining her memory back slowly. I just hoped it would come back sooner then later. I was pulled out of my thoughts when we finally made it to the clinic. 

I walked Cyrus in. I talked to the front desk lady and she told me that I needed to wait out in the waiting area till Cyrus and her apointrment was over. I told the lady it was fine then she took Cyrus to the doctor. 

I sat in that waiting room for many moments waiting for this thing to be over. I saw nothing that interested me. 

Finally after about a hour and a half Cyrus came out of the doctors room. She looked at me and smiled. I copied her motions adding a little wave. Cyrus skiped over and then gave me a hug. I wrapped my arms around her a well. She smiled into my shoulder.

I pulled away from Cyrus to take a look at her face. She was smileing as bright as a star. I smiled back. I ddin't understand what Cyrus was doing until she leaned in and kissed me on the cheak she just stood there watching me as I blushed.Hard. She smiled and leaned in again so she could wispere in my ear. 

"I love you to Keith Wentworth." She had pulled back and smiled. She had her memory back.She was back to her normal self. I couldn't hold my tears anymore. I started to sob a little.She just smiled a little and wipped them a way. 

"I have died every day waiting for you to remeber me and now you do and we can go home."I was full on crying now. Cyrus smiled up at me. She looked down again hiding her blush.

" I umm still need to come to these things. I still have minor memory lose and I don't remeber a lot of things." She lauhged a little.

"I don't care if you have to come here a little more. I am just happy I have you back." I smiled down at Cyrus. I picked her up and huged her as I spun her in a circel.

We walked out of the bilding hand in hand. I was manly just staring at Cyrus dazed at how fast she could get her memory back. I didn't care though I had Cyrus back and I loved that.

" plans." I reminded her.

"Oh thats right we are getting mirried." She smiled.

"So what are the plans." I asked.

"To get a house."

"That would be nice if we coud a ford it."

"I have a feeling you are just being chep." She laughed at me.

"The apartment is nice though, isn't it ?"

"Yes it is very beautiful Keith."

"it better be for how much I am payinf for that thing." I mumbled to ymself.

"It needs better security though." She sighed.

I sighed as well. Cyrus was right. It did need better security. Theres was hacked by the guy hhow tried killing us. I didn't even want to think about that night. I just wanted to have a nice few days alone with Cyrus.

"Hey Cy." I asked

"Yes." She pulled her self out of her thoughts to listen to me.

"What would you think of a Keith and Cyrus weekend. Just me and you. Beach house water sand. frutiy drinks with the impossble name for us to say." I smiled at the last part.

"That would be awesome." Cyrus smiled back at me.

"Awesome so how about next week end."

"Great." She smiled at me from her seat.

Oh how I hoped she never lost her memory again.


I hope yall are happy I got up a five am to finash this, it is 7:47 am now.


jordan XOX


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