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"HA! yeah right scout." I laughed

" I am not kidding Cyrus."

"whatever scout ever since  me and Keith got together all you have been doing is trying to get use to brake up like what is your deal ever since day one you have been after me why." I asked from announce. 

"Because you are annoying and get in the way of all my plans.And I new you liked Markus so I decided too do something about it." she said. 

"thanks for ruining my life." I spat before I got up and headed back to Keith.

"hey what was that about." Keith asked.

"nothing just more lies." I said as I sat down.

"you want to head out." 

"that would nice if we could go." I said.

"alright is my house ok." he asked.

"sure." I said " I am ok with any were that isn't here at this point ." I added.

"ok." he said. 

+================================Keith's POV =================================

"Ok" I said.

I was worried now Cyrus seemed suspicious. I was nervous about what scout said to Cyrus. She could have said anything to her trying to brake us up. 

But I don't think Cyrus be leaved it because she is acting pretty normal other then this awkward silence.  

It was peachful silence. But awekward. I decideed since she was not going to talk first I would. 


"so." she said back.

"how's your mom." I asked.


"that's grate." I said. This plan was not working. 

we went back into silence but this time it was more comforting.I loved Cyrus just she can be so stubborn. But then again she is still annoyed by my constint checking up on her. 

It was hard I think allot of guys out there under stand they get that feeling where they would really do anything for there girl friends but they don't under stand that they all think we are stuck up players. just because some guys out there made horrible mistakes I am just lucky Cyrus took me back. 

I turned on the radio and 'All Your Hate' by 'black veil brides' was playing. I started head banging and so did Cyrus. She started laughing after a while once I started to shack my head from side to side laughing with her.

I stopped and noticed I had swerved off the road and on to the over side. I hered some shriek screams coming from Cyrus. I grabbed her hand and squeezed it. She stopped screaming and looked up at me.

'it will be ok' I mouthed. I wasn't sure what Else to say because I new we were ether going to die or live.

Cyrus didn't diserve to die. I did though the pane I have caused her.

I tried to take control of the car but it was difficult. after a while I finally got back control. I looked at Cyrus one last time too notice the fright in her eyes.

"Holy crap." I said

"yeah." she said probley still in shock from the accident.

"are you okay.' I asked.

"yeah fine ummm can we just go please." she asked

"yeah sure." I said and with that we headed off to my house hoping that tomorrow would be a better  day. 

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