Hey Beautiful

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*pic of Matt*

Emma's POV

I went upstairs to freshen up, get my phone and purse then went back downstairs to meet Matt.

"You ready" he said when he saw me. I nodded a we went out the door after telling my parents I will be back late.

As we got in the car and drove towards the party I started to get nervous. Even though I'm not shy anymore this is still my first party I ever decide to go to.

"Relax" Matt said when he saw me nervously shaking my leg.

"Ok" I said nodded my head. I need to loosen up if I want to enjoy myself.

As we pulled up to the house where the party is being held all my nervousness vanished and was replaced with excitement. The music was thumping throughout the house and people were dancing inside and out the house with red solo cups in their hand. When Matt parked, I got out the car and I can feel many eyes on me while I walked towards the party.

"Who is she?" I heard a group of people say as I passed by them. I can't believe I look that different that people I went to school with for years can't recognize me. But I really don't care about that right now I just came here to loosen up and have some fun. When me and Matt entered the house, we were hit with the smell of alcohol.

"I'm going to go get some drinks out the kitchen, you want something." I yelled to Matt over the music.

"No, I'm good. Do you want me to go with you though?" He yelled back.

"No, go have fun I'm fine by myself."

"Ok, if you need anything text me"

"Ok" I said as he left. I went in the kitchen pushing through people and couples making out. Once in the kitchen I grabbed myself a beer and gulped it down before grabbing another then gulping that one down too. After finishing two more I grabbed another to take to the dancefloor with me. I danced for a while until I felt a pair of arms turn me around. I stopped dancing and look at the guy in front of me he looked familiar but I couldn't tell who he was because the alcohol was clouding my vision.

"Hey beautiful" the guy said.

"Hi, my name is Emma." I said my voice slurring a bit.

"Oh, I know who you are. But you don't seem to remember me." He said with a pout.

His pout is so adorable. I just want to kiss that pout away and nibble on his nice pink plump lips.

"You do know you said that out loud right" he said laughing.

"Hey stranger. Don't laugh at me it's not funny." I said blushing. This time I'm the one that's pouting and to my disappointment he started to laugh harder.

"I'm sorry....to make you feel better I will get you another beer" he said after he finished laughing.

"Ok" I said while crossing my arms as he left.

When he came back he had two beers in his hand. He passed me one and we opened them a drank them. This is like my fifth or sixth beer and by now I know I'm tipsy.

"Hey you want to play a game" the guy said and I realized I still don't know his name.

"Sure, but what's your name stranger" I said as we made our way to the beer pong table.

"No how but we make a bet"

"What type of bet"

"If you beat me in beer pong then I will tell you my name"

"Ok what's the rules"

"We will have 5 shot glasses in front of us, we will try to get the ping pong ball into one of the twenty red cups and if we miss we have to take a shot. And whoever drinks all their shots first loses.

"Ok but what happens if you beat me"

"You must kiss me" he said smirking.

"Deal" I said

And the game begun.


"Both of us have one shot left" I said my voice slurring more than before. Those four shots were strong.

"Ok but it's my turn now move out the way" stranger said.

"Alrighty then let's get this over with so I can know your name" I said stepping back. Stranger went up to the table tossed the ball, it rolled on the rim of the cup then fell in.

"Yes!" he said as I groaned in annoyance.

I went up to the table, tossed my ball and it bounced off the cup onto the floor.

"No" I said just as he said yes. I can't believe I lost.

"Come on give me my kiss but don't worry I will still give you my name just for being better than I expected." He said

"Ok but follow me" I said grabbing his hand and pulling him towards the kitchen.

When we got there I just smashed my lips on his. His hands on my hips and my arms wrapped around his neck. He licked my bottom lip asked for entranced but I refused to give it to him. But he let out a groan of frustration and bit my lip and when he did I moaned in pleasure allowing his tongue to slip in my mouth. As we fought for dominance I eventually let him take controlled when he lifted me up, I involuntarily wrapped me legs around his waist. We stayed like that making out until we pulled away to catch our breath with our foreheads touching.

"My name is Joshua by the way" he said breathless, as he set me back on the ground and walked away.

For some reason, I wanted to go after him because I was I having fun with him around but I don't want to seem desperate so I let him go. Even though that was the best kiss I ever had. But I shrugged it off and took a couple of shots then made my way to the dance floor. I dance for a few minutes and went back to the kitchen and when I entered there was the most delicious looking brownies I ever seen.

"BROWNIES!" I said giggling while I grabbed one. I took one bite and I moaned in delight. After eating about five more I got a headache but didn't care because the brownies were so good. But while I was eating my seventh brownie someone took it away.

"Hey" I said turning around to face Joshua.

"How many of these did you have" he asked

"This many" I said holding up seven fingers while giggling.

"It's like dealing with a child" He said as he sighed shaking his head.

"But I don't feel so Fabulicious" I said holding my head as my vision darkened. I fell but I never hit the ground and the last thing I heard before darkness took over was "I got you princess".

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