A Chance to Help

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The Walking Dead does not belong to me! All right belong to their respected owners except for characters I have created myself, such as Nora.

Authors note: I decided to end this chapter where it does in the episode. Also, if anyone reads this, would you rather have longer chapters but me to update less often, or shorter chapters like this and the first one I did?


Nora attempted to stay of of view of the biters as long as she could by skirting along the edge of the trees, clinging to her knife just in case she needed to react quickly. She found the man yelling that woman's name from the top of a cement slab surrounded by the undead. Crouching low and trying to move smoothly as not to make any loud noises, she got to where she was straight across from him so he could see her.

For the multiple time in the last two minutes, she had a fleeting thought of whether or not she should leave and go back to the tracks,but she repressed the thought again and reminded herself this was the right thing to do, even if it was also the harder thing. She exhaled and stood up, throwing her arms up and waving them to capture his attention.

Nora shoved down the urge to cough from the smoke in the field and kept her eyes on the stranger who was starting to look in her direction. She kept doing motions with her arms and he finally saw her. She was far away but could still see the moment he realized he wasn't alone, eyebrows raised in shock. It only lasted for a second before he sprung into action, looking around for anything useful. He noticed he was only a jump away from one of the prison entrances and he immediately made his move, jumping over the divide of biters reaching their arms out for their next meal. But he made it, and Nora watched as he disappeared through the door.

He didn't show up again until a few minutes later, decked out in what appeared to be a prison guard uniform, and Nora came back out from behind the tree she ducked down behind while waiting to see if he ever showed up again. He then through a bottle of alcohol with a fiery rag sticking out the end and she watched as a car about 20 feet away from him exploded into flames. Distracted by both the noise and the light, the biters started shuffling towards it.

Nora then realized this was the time to help, and she started running right as Glenn starting his escape towards the woods. She caught up with him and helped fend off the ones that made their way too close for comfort. They both started going as fast as they could towards the woods, figuring it would be easier to run than to try and kill more. That was one good thing about the dead, they're slow. So she kept running with the stranger she had never talked to, and hoped her coming back wasn't for nothing. One thing she had figured out is the apocalypse tends to bring out the worst in people. The prime example was the Governor. Her, along with everyone else in Woodbury believed him to be a man just trying his hardest to make the most out of the shitty hand they were dealt. He made it a point to remember everyone's name, their families and friends, so he could easily blend in with anyone, no matter who they were. He made you feel special,like you were old friends. None of them knew how vile he was until it was too late. So looking over at this stranger she had just helped,she wondered.

They didn't stop until they were at the train tracks, and then Nora bent over, hand on her knees. Sweat made its way down her freckled face and she watched a drop hit the ground. Panting, she looked up and wiped her arm on her forehead, trying to keep the sweat from getting in her eyes.

"Hi, I'm Glenn," he panted.

Nora wiped her clammy palms on her jeans and extended a hand,"Nora."

He accepted it, "so, um, why'd you come back?" Glenn looked at her in confusion, but she could see the distrust there too.It was too early for either of them to draw conclusions on one another.

She sighed and looked down at her worn out boots, their original color now replaced by layers of dirt and blood.

"I guess it just didn't feel right to leave you there. Trust me, I thought about it," she looks back up at Glenn, "but I couldn't. I was a caretaker before this all started," she gestured to their surroundings, "I got that job so I could help people.Something like that doesn't just go away I guess."

"Caretaker, huh? I delivered pizzas."

They both shared small smiles and then his face went back to it's original seriousness, "Did you happen to see a bus leave when the attack started?"

She shuffled through her memories of the day, "no, I don't think so. You looking for someone?"

There was desperation and sadness in his eyes, "my wife,Maggie. I was on a bus and I don't think she saw me get off."

"How do you know if she made it?"

"I don't know for sure, but her father, Hershel told me all I had to do is believe, so that's what I'm gonna do."

Hershel, that name sounds familiar, she thought. But before she could duel upon it too long, snarling interrupted them and they both whipped around to see five biters coming towards them. Glenn was thrown off by turning around that quick and realized he had forgotten about his illness. His vision started darkening around the edges and he fought to stay alert when he heard Nora's panicked voice near his head.

Nora fell to her knees where Glenn had collapsed and started shaking his chest, "Glenn, hey Glenn." She started shaking him roughly trying to get him up before the biters trap them. She felt one grab at the back of her shirt trying to lure her lose enough so it could bite the back of her neck,and she swung out with her knife.


Nora obeyed the voice and dropped, shielding her head when gunfire started. There was a thud as each biter dropped, all killed with a head shot.

Abraham jumped down from the military vehicle, slamming the door. He walked in front of the truck with his machine gun on his hip, adding to his already intimidating appearance. Rosita and Eugene following behind, and they all looked down at a disheveled Nora and an unconscious Glenn.

"Hope you enjoyed the show,assholes!," Nora yelled.

Abraham smirked, "you got a damn mouth on you, you know that? What else you got?"

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