Terminus part 1

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"C'mon, we've got to get them in there quick, Gareth's waiting," the man grunted, lugging Eugene's body.

The other man groaned, dropping Abraham on the ground, "Jesus, this fuckers heavy."

Abraham's eyes shot open, and he looked over at Nora, who was next to him being carried by a large man sporting a dark, grungy beard, indistinguishable items sticking out of it.

The man holding her spoke up, "Jacob,pick his ass up, we've got to be quick."

Abraham shut his eyes when he saw the man glance over at him, and waited a few seconds before looking, and he saw that Nora was groggily opening her eyes.

All Nora could see at first was a bright light before her eyes adjusted to seeing her group being carried over to train carts. But she noticed that Abraham was the only one on the ground, and it looked like the man was struggling with carrying his weight. And then she saw that his eyes were open as well.

He looked down at his hand, indicating for her to look too, and then held it up, his palm facing her,showing for her to stop. And then he quickly moved his hand back, so it appeared it hadn't been moved at all.

Another man came up to help the man,Jacob, hold Abraham, "you take his arms, I take his legs."

Jacob put his arms under Abraham's and lifted him as much as he could. Abraham silently waited for the other man to grab his feet as Nora watched through slits unsure of what to do. The man leaned down to get to Abraham's legs, and right when his face was near his feet, Abraham kicked out, one foot hitting the mans neck, and the other hitting his nose, both weak spots that was sure to freeze him for a few moments that would be valuable, as he had to get Jacob too.

Jacob tried to get his arms out from Abraham's body so he could do something, but Abraham just tightened his own arms, trapping Jacob into sinking down until Abraham threw his head back and it connected with his own head, causing blurry black dots to scatter across Jacob's vision.

Abraham jumped up, and saw the other men who were carrying them start to drop his group and run towards him with weapons already out. Abraham then remembered that he didn't have any weapons anymore.

Nora saw the men all circle Abraham and she quickly debated whether she should get up or not. Okay, I don't have my knife, and I barely know any hand to hand combat strategies. Oh god, but I can't just watch this happen.

One man tried to get Abraham in a choke hold, but before he could, Abe turned around and used the same method on him, his forearm wrapping around his neck tightly. Abraham knew that he could probably take a few of these guys out, but it would be difficult with them all trying to get him at once, so he went for the hostage tactic.

Abraham gave a deep laugh, "lets play a game. Whenever any of you come near me,this man's neck gets snapped," he pats the mans head.

The man who was holding Nora turned around, thinking, when he saw that Nora's eyes were open, and he smirked. He grabbed Nora by the hair, and her eyes widened by this turn of events. The man then took his had from her hair and put her in a choke hold too, looking at Abraham, "two can play at this game, let the man go, and we'll let the girl go."

Fuck,Abraham thought, thinking through his options. Okay, guess fighting it is. He let the man go, and immediately, the other men were upon him. Nora was still being held in a choke hold and something popped into her head. It's useless to try and get his arm off, he's too strong. I have to turn around. She remembered her lesson she had learned as a teenager to turn around,because the person doesn't expect it, and it releases the hold on the vital parts of her neck so she can breathe again. So she spun as quickly as she could, and once she saw the surprised look on his face, she head butted him as hard as she could. His arm slacked, and she pushed him away.

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