Those who arrive, survive

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Nora was sitting down against the tunnel wall, rubbing at her ankle to regain feeling. When is started to go from completely numb to a vague sting in her bones, she tried standing up. She started to stumble and tried to lean her hand against the wall before she fell, but Glenn caught her arm and helped her regain her step. She smiled in appreciation and looked up at his wife who was standing a few feet away.

Once Nora was standing right, Maggie approached her, "we didn't get to officially meet," she smiled.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Nora, this is Maggie," Glenn gestured.

Nora and Maggie shook hands, "he's uh," Nora started, "he's a big fan of yours," she gave a tired laugh.

Glenn smiled, "I met Nora on the road. She helped me get away from the prison, and saved me when I passed out from that disease that was spreading in the cell block. I couldn't have made it here without her."

Maggie surged forward and pulled Nora into a tight hug, whispering, "thank you," in her ear. Nora was frozen for a second before wrapping her arms around the girl and exhaling in surprise.

Glenn continued, "she could have just left me after the prison, but when she heard what I was doing,she said she had to help me. She's just that kind of person."

Nora smiled at them and then started walking along the wall with one hand on it keeping her steady. She walking over to Abraham and his group, and Sasha and Bob, figuring that the reunited couple would want some alone time.

However, Glenn and Maggie followed her over, hand in hand. When Sasha heard the crunch of their approach she turned her shocked gaze to the couple, "He," she pointed at Eugene, "he just said he knows what caused the outbreak."

Glenn sighed, "yeah, he does. Let me guess, Abraham asked you to go to D.C with him."

Abraham stood up, "alright I'm glad you found each other. Now there's no reason that the eight of us aren't on our way to D.C tomorrow morning."

"No," Eugene spoke up for the first time, "up until now we had an armored military vehicle, and we still lost people. We're a day's walk from Terminus, and only 55%of the way to Washington."

Rosita put her hands on her hips, "it couldn't hurt to check. They could have supplies, we could even try recruiting more people. Let's go for at least a day or two, restock,and then we can be back on the road the Washington."

"I'll go with you guys to D.C,"Sasha said to Abraham, "but I have to go to Terminus. My brother could be there."

"Fine," Abraham sighed, "if Eugene says I'm wrong, I'll listen. But tomorrow we go to the end of the line, and then Washington. No exceptions"

The building wasn't exactly hidden. It was exactly like their signs they made drawing people there, they were smart, made it so you couldn't pass it by accident. It was an old two story brick building, stretching out across the land it occupied itself on, surrounded by forest. Black letters were written as big as they could make them on the second story, spelling out Terminus in rich contrast against the faded red bricks, now so old they appeared a dull orange.

A fence surrounded the building, weeds tangling themselves in each crevice and making it's way to the barbed wire at the top. What struck Nora as weird was that the fence gate was fully open, open to letting anyone at all in.She thought that in times like this someone would take up extra precautions.

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