On the Road to D.C

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The Walking Dead does not belong to me,except for Nora.


Glenn slowly came to, his eyessquinting in the unexpected brightness. A low rumble and vibrationcaused the bulletproof vest he was wearing to create a clatteringnoise against the floor of the truck. He sat up, a sharp pain in hishead making him cringe, and he looked at the surroundings passing by.

He was still recollecting whathappened before everything went black when he heard a voice frombehind him, "you okay?"

Glenn turned, coming face to face witha sun burnt girl, her ginger hair coming out of the makeshift bun shehad made days ago. He then remembered the events that had happenedbefore he blacked out, and that this girl helped him. He knew heshouldn't start to trust her as quickly as he was just because shehad went back for him, but that was just his nature. He didn'tbelieve that everyone had turned bad like Shane or the Governor, heknew there were people out there that were still inherently kind andcaring like Maggie and Hershel. He just hoped his gut feeling on Norawas correct, and she was in fact good.

He gave a slight nod, "where arewe?"

"This group saved us when youblacked out. If they hadn't come, I don't know if we would have madeit. I usually wouldn't have gone, the last person who helped me endedup chopping some poor old man's head off, but I didn't really seeanother option. I mean you were knocked out, and I couldn't fightthem-"

Glenn cut her off, "old man with hishead chopped off?"

She stuttered, caught by surprise,"yeah. The leader of my community, the Governor, he captured two ofyour people to bargain with your leader. I swear I didn't know howinsane he was when I went to the prison, we were just desperate,things have gotten bad lately and the Governor made it sound likeyour whole group were murderers and rapists, and we realized he liedwhen it was too late."

Glenn leaned close to Nora, his eyespiercing, "who did he take? Which two people?"

Inside, Glenn knew who the old man shespoke of was, there was only one older man in their group. He justdidn't want to accept it.

"Um, it was a woman with dreads, shehas a katana. The other was an old man with a white beard, a smallponytail. The Governor killed him with the woman's katana."

Glenn fell back against the side ofthe truck and grabbed onto the the chain of the pocket watch he hadcarried with him since the day Hershel gave it to him as a way ofaccepting him into the family. Since the day Hershel had shown thathe saw Glenn as a son.

"I'm sorry," Nora said gently. Shethen sat there with him, only the noises of the vehicle filling thespace between them. She knew he needed a moment, and watched as hewent from despair to determination. And just when she noticed achange, he looked up at her, "did we pass a bus?"

"Yeah, about three hours ago."

Glenn got closer to her face and hisvoice lowered slightly, "what did you see?"

Nora paused, "they were all dead."

He stood up and started hitting theglass dividing them from Abraham, Rosita, and Eugene. "Hey! Stopthe truck!"

Abraham took one hand off the steeringwheel to give the middle finger to Glenn, visibly making himimpatient. Glenn started hitting the glass with the side of his fistand continued his yelling at them to stop.

Nora then joined him, hitting whereshe assumed was where the driver was sitting. "Stop the truck!"

Glenn took his gun out and hit thebutt of it against the glass, cracks immediately appearing andspreading across the surface the harder he hit. Right when Norathought it would give, a screeching pierced the air and the truckcame to a sudden halt. Glenn leaned on his knees, feeling theexhaustion get to him from moving too much when he was still sick.

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