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{Melissa Pov}
*At Lucky and Hayden funeral*
"Today we are her to pay our respect
To the Millers death."

Your thinking why the fuck am i here
And your the one who killed them.
Well after the car blew up some
Travlers called 911 blah blah blah
The bodys wasnt burned bad.

"Lucky's Kids Ethan and Max well
Take there father and aunts Role"

Wow lucky had kids hmm how nice
"Now a few words from the Styles family"


Me and Harry walk up there
"Hello we were the last people to hang out with Lucky and Hayden" I break out the fake crying

"I loved hayden she help me so much when i needed it." I let harry finish our speech

*End of funeral*
" And who ever did this will pay and i will not stop until i find who did this."
Everyone Cheers and i smile and clap

Im such a bad bitch.

{Nate Pov}
After mel kicked me out i Moved and Me and Sammy have a house in the hills

Me and my Crew *Freshlee Gang*
We got our music produce and were making money and music and going on tour.

I havent seen my Mel or my son in a couple mouths. I keep a tab on them my son is a lady killer gets his looks from me and
Jess and Maria are looking good and Mel Damn she looking good but

Thats my old life and im starting new
But ill see them soon.

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