"Harry" "Mel"

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Maria Pov-

Justin has been working all week trying to find out who killed Molly. He won't let me leave but I've been in his house 24/7 I'm ready to go so I call Noah and Jess.

I walked to justin and wrap my arms around him "Justin I'm having lunch with my twin and brother I'll be back later okay"
He turns around and just stares at me "okay" he pushes me away and walks in office.

Weird. I shrug it off and go get dressed I put on some shorts and a crop top with my pink slides. "Change" I was doing my make up and I see justin standing in the door way " da fuq you mean change" I say laughing I stand up and walk towards the door

" I said change. Your mine and I don't want people staring" he says quietly I look up in his eyes. "fine" I slide off my shorts and put on leggings. "Better" he shook his head and walked towards my bag. " no, no, Fuck no" he mumbled he gets up and goes to his closet and pulls out some sweat pants.

"here" he smiles and hands me a big pair of sweats " your kidding right?" He just smiles I take the damn sweats and put them on " thanks to you I'm late" I rush down stairs and then realize that I don't have my car.

I was about to go back up stairs when justin is standing on the steps with a pair of car keys. "If there's a scratch on my car I'll kill you" I smile and walk off to the garage.

When I get there it's like 30 or more cars in here I click the button and here a "beep beep" holy fuck.

*At the Cafe*
Not only was I late my phone died "Maria" I turn to see not only my sister and brother I see my uncle Harry and my mom.

"Fuckkkk" I sit next to Harry "hey uncle Harry hey y'all" I say looking at the menu

"Nice place to meet Maria" my mom says I look at her she's wearing all designer clothes and were at a cute little cafe close to the hood " I wasn't told you were coming maybe if I knew I wouldn't have showed up" I say looking at jess and Noah.

"Well we have to talk business. First Louis is dead" I acted like I was shocked " Oh my how tragic" I say sarcastically

"Yeah we knew you did it clever to put ur Name on your work" I smile " shouldn't have people following me" the waitress comes and ask what we want. "Can I have a large coffee and a blue berry muffin" she nods and walks away

"Okay next question who were you at the hospital with" she sips on her coffee "Names Drew why" I say I remember what Lou said there's over millions of Drew in California.

I turn to see Noah and he looks irritated "When did you speak to my dad" Noah voice booms

I look at him kinda taken back " yeah that was my next question how did u find Nathan " she said I was trying to avoid that and thank god my muffin and coffee came.

"If you don't tell us we'll kill oh nice mrs Prescott" I turn to see the sweet old lady who gave me the job at the cafe

"Fucking fine! I was in Nebraska that's why I used uncle Harry Jet to get back. I was at a club and a guy who's parents you killed was there he knew me and my name so he was trying to shoot me and Nate shoot him.
Then we talked for a split second he's in Back in Omaha" I just spilled my whole guts out to save my friend.

"Are you telling the truth" my mom said I was about to answer but uncle Harry said sum "yes she's telling the truth leave her alone." He's deep raspy voice said "Maria come back to my house after this" I nod and take a big bite out of my muffin.

"I have his number Noah you can talk to him" I give Noah the number " and mom someone killed Molly" I say crying a little bit everyone was shocked and sad "who" Harry said mad

Molly was like Harry's only child not really his but he loved her like his own. " I don't know I was at drew's house and it was two duffle bags and her body was cut in two but I seen that it had a mark on it.

" what mark" my mom said she was mad she loved Molly too

"It was two butterfly's and in the middle was a heart but it wasn't a tattoo it was craved in"

Oh FUCK!!!!! Now if you haven't read the first book you might wanna do that now because some old dead people bout to pop up and you'd be confused

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