Chapter 2 Unravel

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The following morning the femme found her guest still asleep. At least he's sleeping.

Checking the stasis cuff she noticed the it had scratch marks on it. "Trying to be sneaky huh," she replied as she took a few steps back, "You can cut the act."

With a soft growl Steeljaw opened his optics and slowly sat up, "I'm impressed, most bots wouldn't have figured that out so quickly."

The femme looked at him unimpressed, "If you're trying to butter me up it's not going to work," she sighed as she sat down at her desk, "I'm sure you already figured out that you can't get out of those cuffs."

Steeljaw growled as he pulled on the cuffs, "These aren't your average stasis cuffs."

"You can pull and slash at them all you want but they won't break. D is the only one that can get them off, with my permission."

::He even tried chewing on them,:: D chuckled, ::Shall I pull up the surveillance camera ma'am?::

"As funny as that would be to watch I need to check on something. Did you drink your energon?"

Steeljaw just glared at her, "I'll take that as a no, I'd take it now, or I will put it to better use," she smiled as she walked out.

Does she really think she can keep me here? Once I get out of these cuffs I'll show her, Steeljaw  leered at the closed door.

::You really should drink the Energon, you're low. Mila--::

"I take orders from no one," Steeljaw snarled, "Especially not some femme that thinks she knows everything!"

::She doesn't know everything but, she has seen and been through a lot.::

Hearing this caught Steeljaw's attention, "Like what?"

::I'm not at liberty to say, you'll have to ask milady.::

"Why do you call her that, why not use her real designation?"

::She hasn't corrected me before and she doesn't seem to mind.::

Steeljaw let out a frustrated growl as he pulled on the cuffs again, they weren't going to break any time soon. With a sigh he looked at the Energon cube and sniffed it, ::I promise you it isn't poisoned, milady would never do such a thing.::

Steeljaw slowly drank his energon in silence.

He was still wary of the femme and D as time went on he rarely saw her most days. He never spoke to her and she never really spoke to him, the only time she did was when she had to check his injuries.


"Well, you're free to move around," she replied as she placed her hands in her coat pockets, "You can let him go D."

D was a little hesitant but he released the mech. Steeljaw rubbed his wrist, glad to finally be free.He charged at her, growling. She dodged over him, disappointed. Steeljaw crashed into the desk, before turning around and snarling at her. She stared at him as she landed on the berth, unfazed by his snarls.

"You should really work on that attitude, but I understand where you're coming from," she replied in a calm tone.

"You don't know anything about me," he snarled in rage, "As if you would know what it's like to be betrayed by someone and be tossed aside as if you're nothing!"

He charged at her again with his claws raised, ready to strike.


"It's alright Doradus."

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