Chapter 3 Lullaby

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Steeljaw bolted up gasping for breath as his body worked to keep itself from overheating. He told himself that it was only dream, he stayed in the berth for a few minutes before walking to the bathroom. He was grateful that Metalsound had given him his own room instead of letting him stay in the Med-bay.

Turning on the water he the cool liquid on his face slowly starting to calm down. Turning on the water he splashed the cool liquid on his face slowly starting to calm down. Glancing up he looked at his reflection, if it was possible his metal looked pale. Letting out a sigh he walked back into the room.

Sitting on the berth he stared at the floor, lost in his own thoughts. Those thoughts had quickly wondered to dream he had. He was on the ground feeling something pushing him into the cold metal of Cybertron. Beside him was a sparkling crying for the femme that was in front of them. The femme had smiled and told them that it was going to be ok. The image faded out when her heard the bang echo in his mind. He could still hear the sparkling crying out for their carrier, he covered his ears to try to block it out if anything that only seemed to make it louder.


Just like that the crying stopped, turning around the Wolf-con saw Metalsound standing in the doorway leading into the room.

"Are you ok," she asked in concern.

"I'm fine," he snapped, "How long have you been standing there?"

"For a moment, do you have a processor ache? I brought some Energon in case you were hungry," she lifted the cube as proof.

Getting up he took the Energon from her, "It'll pass, you don't have to worry about me."

Metalsound let out a sigh, "Alright, once you finish that you can leave if you want."

Steeljaw looked at her in confusion as she started to take off the collar.

"I shouldn't have put this on you in the first place. But I was cautious and you were in danger because of me."

"You have every right to be cautious for all you know I could have killed many or raped femme's."

"You don't have that kind of a look in your optics."

Once the collar was off he grabbed her throat and pushed her into the wall.

:: Milady!!::

D activated the weapons systems keeping them locked on Steeljaw.

"You don't know a single thing about me," he growled softly as he moved his face closer to her's.

"When my Master was training me he said nothing about looking into one's optics, I learned that by bring here for so long. I understand that you don't want to talk about it but do you think lashing out at me will make it any better," she winced as he tightened his grip. D started charging the guns locked onto the mech when he suddenly let go.

Metalsound rubbed her neck to help sooth the pain. She wouldn't say it out loud but this mech scared her. Steeljaw walked out as he picked up the cube.

::Do you want me to shoot him?::

"No, he's not going to leave yet."

::How can you be sure?::

"He was limping."

Steeljaw let out a sigh as he leaned against a tree, drinking his Energon. He wasn't going to get far if he just left he knew that. He was going to have to put up with Metalsound for a while until he was fully healed, or was healed enough so he could travel on his own.

Metalsound watched him from the ship for a moment as she put in the security code to the one room she didn't want anyone to know about, not even Doradus in case someone would take over the ship and gain access to his mainframe.

Locking the door behind her she looked up when she heard the steady beeping from the three monitors. "Morning guys," she smiled at the three preservation tubes.Each one had a metalic reptile like creature inside, all three looking different from the other.

"I didn't mean to wake you guys," she replied as a musical chime came from the monitor on the far left. The creature looked like a storm grey wyvern with a white mane running down it's neck, it's arms folded over each other.

"I wanted to check on you three."

Hearing a deep ping she looked to the middle tube. This was the biggest one of the three, he looked similar to the one on the left the only difference was that he had four legs and a set of wings. It's green and brown color scheme made it suited for the forest environment.

"Was it a good dream?"

Another deep ping answered the question, "I'm glad."

"Still quiet I see," she spoke softly to the tube on the far right. Walking over to it she placed a hand on the glass as she looked at the snake like creature, it's wings wrapped around it like a blanket.

"Would you like for me to sing to you and your brothers?"

A series of pings answered her question as she let out a quiet chuckle, "Alright, what should I sing today?"

The room fell silent for a moment as if they were trying to think. A soft ping rang through the room leaving Metalsound a little shocked but she smiled and nodded, closing her optics she started to hum the lullaby.

"Oh, misty eye of the mountain below

Keep careful watch of my brothers' souls

And should the sky be filled with fire and smoke

Keep watching over Durin's son."

Transforming her hand into a cannon music started to play from it as she continued the lullaby.

D could hear her singing from the other side, he noticed that she had been doing that quiet a lot lately and he wondered why. But she was vary specific when she told him that she didn't want him to have access to the room with a mental sigh he checked the ships cameras to see if Steeljaw was still there. 

He wasn't sure if he should be happy or upset that the wolf-con was still there. But his master was right, he wasn't going to be able to go anywhere any time soon. She was taking a big risk taking the collar off of him but if she felt that she should give him a chance then that was fine. But he was going to keep a close optic on him.

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