Chapter 1

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"Schools out for summer"was blaring on the school intercom when the early 12:00 bell rang for school vacation.Lockers slammed, kids yelled, the typical end to another long year. Dean thought he was going to have a normal summer.

"Hey Dean!"He heard."Ready for the woods this Saturday night?"Dean replied,"For the last time Sam, yes I am ready,keep bugging me about it and I may change my mind."For the last two weeks Sam had been asking if Dean was ready for Saturday.

"Wanna come over to my house and practice?"Sam asked."Can't, mom wants me to bring my little brother to baseball practice."Dean responded."See, I'm an only child, so I don't have to worry about that kind of thing,"Sam said."Yeah, whatever, see you later."Dean ended the conversation.

Dean got home and walked straight to his room and conked out.He had the strangest dream about this pale face with two red eyes.He shot straight up with sweat rolling off his forehead."Dean!Get your butt down here right now!"He heard his mom calling."Oh,dang it, I forgot about my little brother."He thought.

"What is Matthew still doing here?"His mom finally asked."Sorry, I got home and fell asleep"He answered."Don't be sorry,be responsible."She said."Yes, ma'am,"he said."Matthew, you can miss one practice, right?"their mom asked."Yeah, I guess so,"he answered."Dean, you're grounded this weekend."Mom said."What, I have plans this weekend!"He argued."Well you should have thought about that before you forgot your responsibilities."She said.
Dean went back to his room and went to sleep.

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