Chapter 5

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Sam and Dean bought some rock salt and holy water at the voodoo store.They then picked up Sam's guns .They filled the bullets with the mixture and headed toward
the woods.

"How do we get these heathens here without getting ourselves killed?"Sam asked.

Dean said,"Mix the holy water with alcohol and set it on fire in a wooden bowl."

"Do we have that?"Sam asked

"I do."Dean said."To protect ourselves we have to make a circle with the rock salt."

They did the summoning process and saw bright red pairs of eyes.Screaming of a maniac echoed through the forest.

"You ready?"They asked each other at the same time and nodded.

The sports have been woken and sound very very angry.

"Let's send these guys to Hell!"Dean screamed.

They started to shoot and the spirits started fading, but the evil seemed endless.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2016 ⏰

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