Chapter 4

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Sam and Dean got to the library, the place where all the information you need is stored.
They started reading through books and after hours of searching, Sam found something."It says here that the woods used to have an asylum built there, but there was a fire and all the patients died.It was then demolished to make or m for a company building , but that was obviously never built."He says.

"So do you think that the souls could have stayed in that area and that's what has been happening?"Dean asked.

"Possibly,"Sam responded.

"This had started a couple days before the concert and got worse after."Dean said.

Sam responded,"Me, too."

After a couple more hours, Dean found something."Rumor has it that you can see spirits roam the woods at night."

"Does it say how to 'kill' them per say?"Sam asked.

Dean flipped through some books and finally said,"To kill a ghost, you can shoot it with bullets filled with a mixture of rock salt and holy water."

Sam said,"I've got my hunting rifle and shotgun, and we can buy some rock salt and holy water at the voodoo store.

Dean responded with,"Okay, let go kill us some friggin demons."

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