Chapter 29 My Other Dream

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                Sharon asked us to stay until she fell asleep. Alex and I sat on the couches beside her, waiting for to fall asleep. When she did, I fell asleep, too. It was quite a tiring day to begin with. We didn’t bother what the others may say about us, but we were staying for Sharon. Maybe their house was probably being investigated, but it didn’t matter. All we cared about was how Sharon was.

                Alex and Sharon had a chat for before she went to sleep. They talked about those random and short moments they had as friends. They shared similarities and opinions. I didn’t really relate much to it. I just felt a bit livelier when I saw Sharon laughing on Alex’s jokes. Normally, it was the jokes that I had heard before, but it was probably the first for Sharon. They shared a great conversation of laughter together like her mom’s death was already behind us. It was all relieving. Sharon finally fell asleep in with a smile. I, too, fell asleep. I didn’t know much about what happened next. It was just then when Alex woke me up.

                “Liyah.” Alex shook me, and I woke up. “Hey.”

                “Hey.” I yawned as I saw Alex, kneeling in front of me. “Alex.”

                “It’s getting pretty late. You should go. Your mom’s probably looking for you.” He said. “It’s gonna be okay. I’ll watch her.”

                “What about you?” I looked at the clock that was on the wall. It was already past seven thirty. I got a little worried. “Aren’t you supposed to be home, too? Your parents are probably looking for you.”

                “No, Liyah.” He chuckled. “I live alone. My parents are out of the town.”

                “Oh.” I reacted. It was pretty amazing that he was living all by himself even when he’s just in high school. “That’s cool.”

                “Not really.” He laughed. “But I appreciate that you think it’s cool.”

                “Okay.” I tried to push myself up, but I was feeling weak because I just woke up. Alex noticed it and stood up.

                “Come on.” He offered his hand once again. It was like when he offered me his hand back at the bench. It was a little inspiring and warm that he just smiled at me. It was like an angel guiding me to heaven. I could feel that warm music around me as I held his hand. It was really warm and smooth, and the spaces between his fingers fit exactly to mine. When he pulled me up, I felt like a prince just saved me from death.

                “Thanks.” I stared at him, and he stared back and smiled. We held hands and stared longer like we were seeing the clouds through each other.

                “Nick and Laura are waiting for you downstairs.” He finally said.

                “You told them?”

                “I told them you were here, but I didn’t tell them about Sharon.” He continued to smile which made me hate the fact that I was leaving.

                “They probably don’t know here anyway.” I said as he slowly let go of my hand. His fingers slid to mine as we parted our hands. “Thanks, Alex… For everything.”

                Alex smiled at me gazed. Then, he reached his hand up and patted me on the head like a doggy. He brushed by hair side. I knew I blushed, but that didn’t matter. Alex was glowing red, too. I knew what I had to do. I swung my hands forward and stopped around his waist. I took a step forward as he gave a look that wondered what I was doing. As I stepped closer, I grabbed my hands together from his back and hugged him. He reacted like he was shocked with what I did, but he became comfortable with it. He slid down his hand from my hair to my back and hugged me back. He rested his chin on my shoulder as he gently rubbed his hand on my back.

                My stomach went warmer. If I was Laura, I thought my ovaries would have exploded. I would have cried bot of happiness. I’ve never felt excitement and urge like that. It was a new feeling. It was the feeling of being in love.

                “Have a safe drive, Liyah.” He said when we finally stopped hugging.

                “Thank you.” I smiled at him as I walked to the door.

                He was watching me as I reached for the door knob and pulled the door open. Before I left, I took one last look at him. It was like before dad left. He took one last look at mom and smiled. That’s what I did. We smiled at each other. Then, I went out. I hoped what Alex would have felt was like what mom felt back then. I wanted him to stare at the door like mom. It wished he didn’t want me to leave, too.

                It was all I wanted… people to love. I love you, Alex. Please don’t let me go.

                I didn’t even notice that I got down. I just did. It was like I rode a cloud down. I was like flying in heaven, and it was magical. My heart was beating fast and strongly. My mind was occupied with our hug, words, and glances. I just couldn’t help but smile all the way down. It had seemed like we didn’t go through the rough times with the death of Sharon’s mom. Suddenly, it was peaceful again. All I was hoping was for him to kiss me. I had burst into tears when I came out. It was a success in my mind.

                “Liyah!” I heard the enthusiastic voice of Laura again when I came out of the hospital door. She was waving with Nick as they stood outside the car. “Why are you in a hospital?”

                “Hey!” I said cheerfully when I got closer. “Alex and I just had to look after Sharon Stone.”

                “The girl that you saved from a bunch of bullies?” Nick asked.

                “Yep.” I chuckled and tried to sound cute. “Alex stayed to look after her.”

                “You seem awfully cheerful tonight, Ms. Loveworth.” Laura kidded. “Did you have sex with that cutie pie Alexander?”

                “No!” I blushed. Nick saw it me blush, too. I was pretty sure he was alarmed. “Why do you have to say I have sex every time I’m with a guy?”

                “Oh my God. She’s turning red! She’s turning red!” Laura laughed as she pointed at me. “Nick, do you see this? Your girlfriend has a crush on Sander!”

                “Laura, knock it off!” My face still felt hot, so I guess it was still red.

                “Oh, she didn’t deny that she likes Sander. Oh God! Liyah’s first crush…” then Laura stopped and noticed Nick was looking at her weird. She continued, “In a long time.”

                “It’s dark. We should go.” I went in the driver’s seat.

                So, it was one of the most tiring but awesome nights of my life. It was totally sad about what happened to Sharon, but I was relieved that Nick got her happy somehow. Even I was struck with Alex’s happy syndrome.

                I don’t know what magic Alex has got with him, but he just makes me smile. Why can’t every guy be more like him? He’s very understanding, kind, gentle, smart… not to mention, he’s very handsome. He was just perfect. He was actually one of the very few dreams I have, and he was the best of it all.

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