The Willow Tree (Peter Pan

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There was only one willow tree on the whole island of Neverland

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There was only one willow tree on the whole island of Neverland. It sat by the water surrounded by oak or birch wood trees. It was just the one solitary tree, but this tree held many memories. The one where you and Peter shared your first kiss. The one where Peter asked you to be his girlfriend. The one where Peter had preposed to you. The one where Peter and you had your wedding. The willow held the best moments of your life, Peter's also. You go there every time the seasons change. Through summers and winters and snowy Decembers. Now here you are sitting under that tree with Peter, pregnant with his children.

"I'm going to plant a tree for our children." Peter said suddenly. "That sounds like a excellent idea!" You said with an enthusiastic voice. Peter then stood up, "First, let's carve our initials in our special tree," he grabbed your hands to help you stand up, "Let's make it a cliché movie scene shall we?" you said. "I guess that's where this is going my darling."

He took out his knife and carved 'P.P + Y/I' and let you carve a heart around it. "Perfect," you said, "You are very good a carving into trees aren't you Mr. Pan?" you asked sarcastically. "I guess I am," He moved closer to you, "Y/N, darling, I love you very much so, did you know that?" Peter asked. You decided to joke around with him. "Hmmmmm I didn't know that. How about you show me how much you love me," you got closer to him, "Maybe I will." he then leaned in and kissed you passionately. It was like something that would actually be portrayed in a movie, but most of the time, movie scenes don't last.

As you were kissing, the sound of a click of a gun came from behind you. Peter pulled away and looked over to see Emma, or a villain version of Emma. She had grey or white hair and all black clothing. Just as you turned around, she didn't even give you a chance and just pulled the trigger. The bullet went straight between your eyes. Emma ran away and Peter stared at you with shock and tears forming in his eyes. He got on his knees and held you in his arms. You were still barely hanging on to life. "No Y/N! YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO ME!" he screamed, Felix heard all the commotion and ran over to where Peter was. He blankly starred at Y/N unable to say anything. "I-I," Felix managed to stutter out before Peter yelled, "GET THE BOYS IMMEDIATELY! WE MIGHT BE ABLE THE SAVE HER!" Felix then started rushing back to camp. Peter then started rocking Y/N back and forth singing,

I wouldn't leave you

I will hold you

When the last day comes

What if you need me

On the last day

He sang that repeatedly until he couldn't sing anymore because of his crying.

When Felix came back with the boys, it was too late. Y/N had passed away. What seemed so perfect ended so quickly.

Y/N is buried under the willow where her and Peter shared the best moments of their lives. Peter visits her through summers and winters and snowy Decembers, always singing the same song he sang when she passed.


This imagine was inspired by the song, Willow, by Jasmine Thompson. She has an amazing voice that will make you fall in love with her instantly!

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