Chapter 16

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*** Gabriela's POV ***

Naomi and Andy were riding home with me because Cash and Lucky had some business to take care of. It felt so awkward to be alone with her in that moment. I wished I could tell her how sorry I was that her child had to go through that awful situation; I couldn't. We didn't say a word to each other during the whole driveway home.
-" Save my baby, please. Get pregnant as soon as possible." Naomi said as I parked the car. It felt like someone stabbing me right in my wounds. It hurt. I ignored her because it wasn't my plan to let her know that I only had 10% chance to get pregnant. We had so many unprotected sex and nothing happened. I felt so useless in that moment. I got out of the car, still not saying a word to her; making my way to the house's entrance door.
-" Don't be selfish, girl. If you really love Cashmere, you would get yourself pregnant with his seed." I stopped walking and turned around to face her.
-" Honey, if there's one thing I'm not going to allow you to do is question my love for Cash. What about you get yourself pregnant if you want to save your baby as much as you said?" I asked her, crossing my arms over my chest. I was trying hard not to lost my temper.
-" I can't sacrifice a child for another. I'm not going to bring one more child in a world where Mommy and Daddy are not together. I refuse to let that happen again. You're in a committed relationship with Cash, you can get pregnant as much as you want." She said. I wished I could get pregnant as much as I wanted. As an adolescent, I always dreamed of a big house, a hot husband and a lot of kids running around. I wanted my children to be close to consider their siblings as their best friends. But, there was more chance that it would never happen. Naomi reminded me that part of my life and it hurt really bad.
-" This conversation is over, Naomi." I said, and opened the door and walked right to my bedroom. I took my boots off and laid on the bed. Suddenly, some questions popped in my head. "What if Cash was thinking the same thing? What if he was desperate to have me pregnant?" My life just couldn't be in my peace.

The night came and I was still in bed. That time, I was in my pajama. I heard the bedroom door crack open. I opened my eyes and saw Cash standing there in the dark, staring at me.
-" What's wrong babe?" I asked.
-" I'm scared. I'm scared of losing him."
-" Come here!" I said, with my arms wide open. He hopped in the bed with his shoes on and laid there into my embrace. I loved that man more than anything.
-" It feels so good; it feels like everything is okay when I'm in your arms, mi amor." Cash said. My mouth dropped open when I heard him calling me his love in my second language.
-" Who taught you that?" I asked.
-" Nobody. Actually, who doesn't know that? For your information, I took one Spanish class back in high school. I just wasn't paying much attention. Well, I wanted to ask you for a favor; a big one." The amusement in his voice instantly ran away. He sounded more serious.
-" Babe, if it's about the baby, I accept for us to try again on having a child. We can't let Andrew died." I said. He jumped from the bed to turn on the lamp. There, he stood, fixing his eyes on me. I asked: " What?"
-" Who sent you? Who sent you to my life? You are too understandable. Are-you some kind of mind readers?" He asked.
-" Don't be stupid. I'm no mind reader. Come back here." I said.
-" You freaked me out for one second. I've never seen a woman who understands a man like you understand me. I forgot sometimes that you're only 18 years old. You behaved like a wife would. You gave me love like nobody ever done. I always said that I didn't want any young girls because of their childishness; that's exactly why I dated Naomi who is three years older than I; but you proved me wrong. You're making of me a lover and one less fighter." He said. I felt tears coming out of eyes, running down my cheeks.
-" No. A lover is supposed to be a fighter. You're supposed to fight for what you're believing and for the ones you love. That's why we have to fight to save Andrew." I said. Cash jumped into the bed and we went right into action.

1 hour later...

-" I'm so sleepy." I said.
-" Have-you seen Mike lately?" Cash asked. That was weird. Who asked his girlfriend if she had seen her ex right after they had sex? Stupid question.
-" Not really. I've been trying hard not to bump into him... nor China. I've heard she gave birth to a premature baby girl." I said.
-" I've heard from Jizzy that some old guy who used to be Mike's accomplice did not died naturally but actually poisoned." He explained. I hoped he wasn't talking about the same person that I was thinking of.
-" Leroy is dead?" I asked.
-" You know him?" He asked.
-" That's Mike's uncle." I said.
-" That's one of the lies he told you though. They are not related." Cash said.
-" Listen, it's true that Mike told me a lot of lies but if there's one person he never lied about is his mom. He adores her even though they never had a chance to live together. He told me that Leroy was his mother's uncle." I said. Cash busted out with laughter.
-" Don't-you think Leroy was too young to be Mike's great uncle?" Cash asked.
-" Mike told me that his grandfather was a player. He been having babies while his kids were having too. That's why Leroy ended up having a niece who was the same age as he. Mike would never make up stories with his mom in it. He respects her memory." I said.
-" Damn! Imma have to meet with the guys tomorrow morning." Cash said. I already knew he was going to share with them that information he just got.
-" I think we were going to visit Dr. Rose." I reminded him. We wanted to get back on the fertility treatment.
-" Honey, can-you please go without me?" He asked. I sighed. " Please!" He begged.
-" Okay!" I agreed. He leaned forward and took my lips into his.

*** Lucky's POV ***

Cash called me early in the morning; something about him just finding out some hidden puzzles of Mike and Leroy true relationship. You already knew that I wouldn't miss this for a second. I got into my 2013 Kahn Range Rover and drove right to The Alexanders' house. There was a taxi parked in front of the house's gate and I saw Naomi getting out of it. I didn't want to get distracted but that girl been running all over my mind since the first day I saw her; since yesterday. She looks like a chocolate with the taste cherry flavor. She was one beautiful woman. Yet, I only saw blackness in those big black eyes. I saw her smile once and fell for it. I wondered why it didn't last between Cash and her. Once the taxi left, I drove my car inside. I noticed Jizzy's car. I knew that it was going to rain. I was there before time. If Jizzy got there earlier than me, something is up. That dude was known for always being very late in every single meetings. Hum!

I managed to get out of the car as fast as possible so I could talk to Naomi before she got inside of the house.

-" Naomi wait!" I shouted after her. She stopped walking and turned around to look at me. " Hey!" I said when I got in front of her.
-" Hey!" She said back.
-" How you doing?" I asked.
-" I'm fine! Thanks." She didn't care to ask it back.
-" I saw you getting out of a taxi. What about I give you my number so you can ask me for a ride anytime you feel like going out?" I offered.
-" You won't have too. Actually, my car is in the garage. I'll be done by tomorrow." She said. Ugh! Why she had to make it so difficult for a nigga?
-" What about we still share our phone numbers?" I was trying real hard.
-" Listen, I have a sick son. I do not have time for any distraction." Touché! Naomi sincerely let out those words right in my face.
-" I'm just a distraction for you?" I asked, pretending that I was hurt. No. Actually, I was hurt. It was an insult.
-" Sorry, but you are. Just like I would be only a distraction to you. Seriously, I have nothing to offer to you. Well, not what you want." She said.
-" What do you think I want?" I asked.
-" I don't know. What exactly you want from me?" She asked. She was the kind of woman who would answer your question by asking it back to you. I loved it. Believe me.
-" I want sex. Wild sex, aggressive, like two criminals, with no boundaries, no control whatsoever. I want to buy a new bed. I want everyone to hear us screaming with passion and pleasure cause we don't care. That's what I want; I'm a man after all." I said. Her eyes were wide open. I could see her heart raising. But, she was trying hard to not to let me see the electricity running throughout her body, burning some the tissues and making sweats appearing on her forehead.
-" Well... I... I don't think I'm the right person for all that mad sex action. As I said I'm not going to be a distraction. I wanna play the cards right this time." She said. I dared myself to take a few steps closer to her.
-" What if I tell you what I really wanted besides everything else is to get to know you better; be your friend; earn your trust. And, believe me, you're not just a distraction to me." I said. We looked at each other right in the eyes.
-" Why?" She asked.
-" Even I don't know why. I just feel like it." I said. She smiled.
-" If I give you my number will you stop invading my space?" She asked. I chuckled and took a few steps back.
-" Deal!" We both chuckled and exchanged numbers. We walked inside together and got one of the best surprises when we get to the living room. We caught Sasha kissing with some dude that wasn't her boyfriend. She was kissing with Jizzy. That was a shocking moment. They jumped from the couch when they noticed our presence.
-" It's not what you guys think." Sasha said. A cheater's favorite line. She continued with a question: " Jizzy, do-you see what you caused?" Damn! Another famous trick; not taking the blame. I looked at Naomi and she was as shocked as I. Sasha ran upstairs. Naomi giggled and make her way up the stairs. As I watched her leaving, I happened to notice Jizzy staring at her derrière. What was wrong with that dude? He was a sick guy.
-" How could you, man? She's your Jeffrey's girl." I reminded him, sitting on the couch.
-" Oh please! Who are-you to judge? I can see you that you're having eyes for Cash's baby mama. That's how it is. Hoes before bros." I shook my mind. That guy was something else. I wasn't going to start an argument with him. It was meaningless. He was not going to be less ignorant.
-" Hey guys!" Jeffrey walked in, dapped our hands before sitting right next to the traitor named Jeffrey.
-" Sorry for making you guys wait." Cash said. " What's up?" He asked. Jeffrey just put a thumb up.
-" Nothing man." I said.
-" Living the dream!" Jizzy said. I gave him a look knowing what he did before.
-" What's the big news you got for us?" Jeffrey asked.
-" I learned from Gaby that Leroy is Ghost's uncle." Cash informed us. What? Mike and Leroy are genetically related? That was unbelievable. Everyone knew them as friends and that's it.
-" That cannot be true." Jizzy said.
-" It might because Gaby was dating Ghost. He would trust her with some secrets; that's why we'll need her help to know all his little secrets. " Jeffrey suggested.
-" Then, He didn't kill Leroy like we thought. After all, Leroy is Mike's back bone." I said.
-" Mike is very ambitious. Leroy could've been in his way, so he finished with his uncle to have everything for him only." Jeffrey made a point.
-" Nah! Mike wouldn't kill Leroy before finishing all the drug deals. If Leroy was alive, it would have been harder for is to trick them. Right or wrong?" Cash had a big point.
-" Then who killed him? We need to know who's our enemies's enemy." Jeffrey said.
-" I don't think that's our business. Let's not get ourselves distracted from the real plan." Jizzy advised us.
-" I think Jizzy is right." Jeffrey agreed.
-" Then, let's focus on Mike." Cash said. Those guys were convinced too easily. Me, I loved mystery, I needed to know who is who.
-" Let's talk about the money we unfairly got from them. I want my part of it." That's the only thing Jizzy cared about.
-"No problem. Jeffrey and I agreed on giving our parts of the money as donation for kids suffering with cancer." Cash said. Jeffrey nodded. Who was these guys? It was the first time that I heard drug dealers giving that amount of money away to help others. Drug dealers, like us, supposed to care only about ourselves. And. I was about to do something as unbelievable as what they did.
-" I wanna give my part as well to any kind of organization helping those kids." I volunteered too. I was doing it for Naomi and her son.
-" Y'all insane. I'll need the money by tomorrow." Jizzy said, already at the door.
-" I'm going to check on my girl." Jeffrey said. Poor guy!
-" Thanks, man!" Cash said, once we were alone in the room.
-" It's nothing. I gotta bounce." I said. I slapped his hand and walked out of the house. Duty was calling. But, I couldn't wait to have some free time to text Naomi. Wow! I was getting more interested in that girl.


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