Chapter 28

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*** Cashmere's POV ***

It was all over. It's ridiculous that some people had to die for others to be happy. But, what could we do? That's how life works. Some cried when others smiled. At that moment, I was basically laughing. It felt so good to have my girl back. It felt even better to know that we're going to have our own little miracle. I was going to be a dad again. Andrew was going to be promoted as a big brother. It was all surreal. One of the things that I'll teach my sons is to never forget that they have the same blood; they should always have each other's back. I regretted the fact that Mike and I never had that chance. After everything, he taught me the value of family. That's why when Naomi asked me if Ebony and Micah could stay with me for a little while; I accepted without any hesitation. I was going to be a second father to my little niece. Yes! she's my blood. Ebony didn't lie when she said that Mike was the father of her child.

Talking about other people's kid, my kids were my number one preoccupation at that moment. Baby Andrew was far from being healthy but he was still the happiest baby in the world. He was a fighter. He was going to be more happy when he beat cancer's ass. Excuse my French. The next thing I did after finding out that Gaby was pregnant with my baby was contacting Andrew's doctor. My heart melted when the doctor informed me that Gaby told him long time ago about us having a child so he could get prepared for Andrew's surgery. It felt so good knowing that no matter what we went through, she didn't stop caring about my son. I knew that she was going to be a good mother to our champion because she was the best stepmom to Andrew.

Because Gaby was her such a good girl lately, we decided to throw her a surprise baby-shower. Right now, I was on my way to the hospital. She's been there for five days and it was time for her to go home. She had a bigger surprise waiting for her. Her daddy. Yes! We just couldn't stop being in shock. It happened that Gaby's father, Javier, been in contact with aunt Raquel way before Gaby and I separated. He called and asked about Gaby every week. Aunt Raquel been a little selfish. She didn't want Javier to take her niece away from her; so she kept from Gaby the fact that her father still cared about her and she lied to Javier about Gaby not wanting to know anything about him. I know. It's a crazy story. Well, everyone has their own dirty secrets. Sometimes, we forget to think about others. The best thing we can do for our own well being is forgive and move on. Gaby taught me that. It was amazing how well she handled the whole situation.

All that proved to me that we were going to be good parents. Age is just a number. Maturity is the key to succeed. We planned on moving to Dallas. Gaby, the kids, Naomi and me. We didn't want to be separated from our kids or have a court telling us what to do with our children; therefore Naomi agreed to join us until she find her own place; which shouldn't be more than 30 minutes away from my place. As for Sasha, she decided to stay in Atlanta with Ebony and Micah. She thought that it was the best way for her and Jeffrey to give each other spaces. All I could do is to support the ones I loved.

I parked my car at the hospital parking lot. I picked the flowers from the passenger seats and made my way inside. I took an elevator to the third floor and walked to Gaby's hospital room to find an empty bedroom. Gaby was no where to be found. I freaked out. Where was-she? Gaby been paranoid lately since the death of China. She didn't want to accept that all our enemies were now resting from all their hatred. Maybe I should've take her fears to consideration. The nurses didn't even see Gaby leaving the hospital. I have to call 911 and start looking for her. Why us? Why couldn't-we live in peace?

-" Did-you call her phone?" The security asked. Why wasn't-that the first thing coming to my head? I quickly grabbed my iPhone and dialed my babe's number.

*** Gabriela's POV ***

I walked into the cemetery. I don't remember the last time I got into one. It remind me of my mother's funeral. I've never thought that one day I'll be at China's. Not that soon. Why couldn't-she stay out of trouble? I walked closer to the casket and looked at her. From the past five days. I've been having nightmares. I couldn't believe that she was dead. I was scared of her coming back for me. My blood sure and heart rate was getting high. The hospital didn't want to discharge me. I had to escape from the hospital. All for nothing. I didn't want to see my ex-best friend laying there for me to finally being able to live in peace. But, that was live. I couldn't help it.

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