Chapter 25 ( Part 2 )

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-" What do you mean by Sasha is no where to be found?" Cashmere asked, opening the door for his friend. He really meant it when he said earlier that he wanted the life he has before. He was tired of this revenge that was putting their lives in danger. 

-" What about you put something on and help me start looking for her." Jeffrey said. Nobody ever seen Jeffrey so worried. He wouldn't accept to lost the woman of his life just like he lose his father and Ross who was a second father figure to him. He changed a lot for this one girl and wouldn't see a life without her. 

-" Man, we can't go look for her without a plan." Cashmere said. No one could doubt Cash's love for his little sister but going crazy was not going to help. At that mean time, they heard some footsteps and turned around to see Naomi and the baby. How did-she even got in? Jeffrey. He left the entrance door opened. 

-" Cashmere, we need to talk about last night. I'm not going to allow you to separate me from my son neither from the man I love." She said. Naomi didn't want to lost her only chance of happiness.  

-" Naomi, this is not the right time. We have a bigger problem. Sasha is missing." Cash informed his Co-parent. 

-" Sasha is missing? Psshh! She's probably with..." Oops. Naomi didn't finish her sentence just not to say something she shouldn't be saying. 

-" With who?" Cash and Jeffrey asked at the same.  

-" With her friends. Why don't-you guys call them?" Naomi had a feeling of where Sasha was. Yup. In Jizzy's bed. 

-" Jeffrey already did. She's not with them. This is so not like Natasha." Cash said. Jeffrey released a huge sigh. 

-" While you're thinking of a stupid plan that is not going to work. I'm going to look for Sasha. I'll find her and kill the Ghost Shadows with my own hands. I will." Jeffrey said before running down the stairs. 

-" Jeffrey, come back here. This is not how you do things." Cash shouted behind him. Jeffrey didn't mind to look back. 

-" I think I better go back to my house." Naomi said, ready to leave.  

-" No. Stay here. It's more safe." Cash didn't want them to kidnap his son next. Naomi nodded and left to go to what used to be her bedroom. Actually, she needed to tell Lucky about the issue without Cash noticing. 

Cash took his cell phone and dialed Jizzy's number. He didn't trust this guy but he needed his help 


Jizzy reached for his phone inside of his pocket and looked at the screen. It was Cashmere. He smiled and pressed the green button on his blackberry.  

-" HeyPal. What's up?" He answered. 

-" My sister is missing. I think Ghost Shadows got her." Cash said, in the other line. 

-" Sasha is missing? No way! I can't think of nobody else who would kidnap her other than them. Don't you worry, man. I'm going to help you find her." Jizzy said.  

-" Thank you, man.. Thanks!" Cash said and hung up the phone.  

Jizzy put the phone back in his pocket and turned around to face Sasha who was attach in a chair. He walked closer and removed the tape that he put on top of her mouth because she was screaming a lot. 

-" It seems like your brother is really worried about you." Jeffrey said, with a big smile on his face. 

-" What do you want from us? What did-we ever do to you?" Sasha screamed with tears coming out of her eyes. Her whole body was hurting her from being attach in that position in that hard chair since the night before. She wasn't feeling her arms that was wrapped behind the chair. She had no idea of why he was doing all that to her. He texted her in an unknown number. 

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