Dinosaur Island Much?

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"Hello there viewers! Welcome to a new season of Total Drama! This season is gonna be a blast in the past! We will have some 14 old contestants coming and 2 new ones to join this season! This season we are gonna have dinosaurs! What fun will we have here? Find out now on Total Drama Jurassic Park!" said Chris, as he raised his hands in the air.

Theme Song

"Welcome back everyone. We are gonna meet the contestants and the teams. The two teams that have been made are the Hissing Rattlesnakes and the Vengeful Polar Bears. The first contestants that I will be introducing are the first ever contestants to ever appear on Total Drama, Noah and Harold!" said Chris, as the two contestants came by.

Confessional- Harold
Harold- I came back for another Total Drama Season due to one reason. I came to see real life dinosaurs! I came to see if my favorite dinosaur here was on this island, the velociraptor. The velociraptor was my most favorite dinosaur since I was 7-years old. I remember trying to act like one for a show, but I failed. I still loved that dinosaur since this day.

Confessional- Noah
Noah- I joined this season of Total Drama when I heard Emma was joining as well. I was super happy that pretty much my heart was gonna explode with love. I just hope we're on the same team because last season that didn't happened, we stood apart for a while. I did not like that, but if we are on the same team this season, things will be different and i know it.

"Up next, the next set of contestants that will be joining us this season are season 4's contestants. For this season's contestants, say hello to Zoey, Mike, Staci, and Cameron!" said Chris, as the contestants came up to him.

Confessional- Cameron
Cameron- I can't believe Chris actually accepted me for another season of Total Drama! Especially one that includes dinosaurs! I heard people on this island were trying to find a way to make dinosaurs real again and they found a way to make that possible. And now I am standing on the island that had made dinosaurs come to life! This is like a dream come true!

Confessional- Staci
Staci- I am back for another season of Total Drama and this season will be awesome since dinosaurs are around! Did you know my great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great grandfather used to live with dinosaurs?! He said that they used to dinosaur eggs everyday for breakfast, archaeopteryx for lunch, and baby T-Rex for dinner. He said he was the best hunter in his tribe.

Confessional- Zoey
Zoey- I can't believe we're on another season of Total Drama! I remember trying out for the Ridonculous Race, but we entered in to late. I than heard about this one and I decided to join. The awesome thing about this season is that Mike is joining as well. *squeals* I also can't wait to meet the contestants from the Ridonculus Race. This season is gonna be fun and I know it. Especially with the rouge dinosaurs that run around on the island. I can't wait to see my favorite dinosaur, the triceratops!

Confessional- Mike
Mike- I can't believe we're on an island of dinosaurs. This is crazy to say, but since on season 5 when my personalities helped me get rid of Mal, I got something to remind me of them. I don't know if these skills will help me on the island at all, since I think this season is only about running away from dinosaurs. Well, I don't know what it's about, but I think it's awesome! Zoey is here and I know this season will get better already. This season feels so much better since I have no natural enemies like Scott around. Hope this season rules.

"The next set of contestants I'm gonna introduce are former contestants from pahkitew island. We have Scarlett, Shawn, and Jasmine" said Chris, as they walked up to him.

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