Dinos in the Lab

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"Last time on Total Drama Jurassic Park, the teams were merged and they had a weightless flight. They were pterodactyls, pterosaurs, and a dimorphodon. They had to catch fish and bring as much as they can to the surface. The one with the most fish won the challenge. Emma took the boot yesterday and Rocky released her only dino friend. Rocky's alliance lost a member and gained one. Carrie was now part of the alliance. What fun will happen today? Who will be voted off today? And how will Rocky react after losing her dino pet? Find out all this on today's episode of Total Drama Jurassic Park!" said Chris, as the camera panned out on the island.

Theme Song

Rocky walked outside to see it dark and wet. "Aw man! It's raining" said Rocky, as she walked back inside. Scarlett woke up and saw a humanosaurus outside. Scarlett smiled and turned around to see Rocky. "Scarlett, why are you up at this time?" asked Rocky. "I heard something outside. I'm gonna go check it out" said Scarlett. "Alright, just be careful cause it's dark and totally wet out there" said Rocky. "Thanks for the heads up" said Scarlett, as she walked outside. "No problem?" said Rocky, examining Scarlett's face. "I'm saying this now, but I think she's up to no good" Rocky said to herself, as she started following Scarlett. Scarlett walked up to the humanosaurus and evil laughed. Rocky peeked around the corner of the base to see Scarlett with a random humanosaurus. "Oh no, why did Scarlett walk over to a humanosaurus?" said Rocky, as she snook up a little more behind Scarlett.

All of a sudden, Scarlett looked behind herself. She saw Rocky quickly hide behind the corner. "Rocky, I saw you. Come on out this instant" ordered Scarlett. Rocky stepped out from behind the rock and looked at Scarlett. "I knew there was something fishy about you! You are friends with a humanosaurus" said Rocky. Scarlett smiled and the humanosaurus walked down to Rocky and circled her. "Wait this isn't just a normal humanosaurus. Wait, is that Max from season 6?" asked Rocky. "Why yes it is. I transformed him into a humanosaurus. He's half human, half Dimetrodon. You like it?" asked Scarlett. Rocky looked at Max as he circled her. "You do this to humans? All the humanosaurus on the island was you?" asked Rocky. "No, but I'll tell you the story. After I was kicked off the island, me and Max decided to get a job here at Jurassic Park. I was a scientist and Max was my assistant. He was my lab rat, until I tested dino DNA in humans and the catastrophe began. He went dino all over the old lab and he spilled dino chemicals all over the floor, tables, and more. One of the scientists blew the fuse and dinos took over the lab. The lab was than buried under dirt and vegetation grew all over it. I'm still trying to look for that lab. That's why I came back in to the show" said Scarlett.

"You came back for a secret lab? Like the one I..." said Rocky, as she covered her mouth. "You know where the secret lab is I'm guessing" said Scarlett. "No, I don't know where your secret lab is" said Rocky. "I can tell you know where the lab is" said Scarlett walking up to Rocky. "I don't, promise" said Rocky. "Rocky, if you team up with me for this challenge and help me become.ma humanosaurus like Max, I will not tell Carrie about you and Devin. Unless you want her to go crazy over you because right now, your very lucky she still trusts you" said Scarlett. Rocky looked at Scarlett and than at the ground. "Alright, I'll help you become a humanosaurus just please don't tell Carrie" said Rocky, feeling guilty. "That's a good girl. Now run along and don't tell anyone about what you heard or seen here" said Scarlett. Rocky growled and started walking away. Max looked at Scarlett and smiled. "Don't worry Max. If she betrays me, she's gonna be in for the time of her life" said Scarlett, as she put her hand in to Max's head. Max made a low growl and closed his eyes. An air horn than went off. "Everyone, meet me in the jungle for your next challenge. This challenge is a little special this episode" said Chris, on the loudspeaker.

Everyone made it to the forest and were standing in front of a hole in the ground. "Chris, what is this?" asked Devin. "This here is a secret lab that was buried due to explosions. Dinosaurs blew it up in here" said Chris. "You mean dinosaurs as in half human or one hundred percent dinosaur" asked Carrie. "Many half human hybrids and some real dinos. Be careful when entering this lab. There is dino DNA all over the floor in some of the rooms, wild dinosaurs, humanosaurus, and many damaged things in there. For today's challenge, you'll be entering the lab through this hole. There are many paths you could take when you get down there. You need to exit through the tunnel in the lab that is located in one of the rooms. Whoever finds and goes through that tunnel and end up at the elimination area wins. Yes, that tunnel leads to the elimination area. I don't know why, but don't ask" said Chris.

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