King of Dinos

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"Last time on Total Drama Jurassic Park, the campers were having some velociraptor fun. Carrie and Valley were doing flips, Devin and Rockaraptor were singing velociraptor songs, and Noah...well Noah did his Noah stuff. In the end Devin and Rocky had immunity and it was bye bye Noah. Three contestants remain and only two can be in the final two. Man, we're getting so close to the end already. What camper will be the king or queen of all dinos? Who will be in the final two? Find out all this on this episode of Total Drama Jurassic Park!" said Chris, as the camera panned out on the island.

Theme Song

Carrie got up and jumped out of bed. "Aw man, I'm finally in the final 3! Last season, I wasn't gonna make it because of Devin's injuries, but now we are able to keep going. I'm also surprised that Rocky hasn't lied. She actually brought us to the final three. No other alliance in all of Total Drama has done that ever. The only thing is, which two of this alliance will be joining the final two" Carrie said to herself, as she walked outside. Devin and Rocky were outside eating breakfast. Rocky looked over at Carrie and waved to her. "Hey Carrie, wanna come eat breakfast with us?" asked Rocky. "Sure" said Carrie, as she walked over to Rocky and Devin.

Carrie heard something come from the bush behind them. She turned around and saw a humanosaurus Dimetrodon jump at her. "Oh no" said Rocky, as she got up and quickly ran at it. She rammed it into the side of their base and she held it down. "What is Max doing here?" asked Rocky. "Max? Wait, are you talking about that guy from season 6 of Total Drama?" asked Carrie, as she looked at him. Max was struggling to break free of Rocky's grasp, but he wasn't able to break it. "Max, what are you doing here attacking Carrie?" asked Rocky. "Behold the king! Ruler of hell itself! Feed him all the organisms of the earth that are made to be extinct and let us, humanosaurus, rule the earth instead" said Max.

Devin had a confused look on his face. "What did he just say?" Carrie asked with confusion. Rocky looked down at his patterns. It was glowing a bright purple. "Wait, is this what humanosaurus were created to do? Follow the Falsedominous Rex? Is that why Scarlett wanted to make humanosaurus? Was this the way she wanted to control the Falsedominous and all humanosaurus? All humanosaurus were made to obey the Falsedominous" said Rocky. "I'm guessing your saying, Scarlett made a giant dinosaur to control and she found a way to control it. So she made minions for the dinosaur and she was gonna become one and that plan turned into a lab disaster and now this dinosaur is loose and running around on the island, trying to control all the humanosaurus it has on it?" asked Carrie.

"Yep and I'm a humanosaurus and that's not great" said Rocky. She got off of Max and kicked him. "Get away, I'll take care of my kill!" yelled Rocky. Max nodded and ran off. "What are we gonna do about this?" asked Devin. "I'm gonna go talk to Chris. We're gonna need a Dino expert and another dinosaur like the Falsedominous. I think I might know how to stop it, but we'll work on this next episode. This will be the final challenge. Saving this island from a humanosaurus controlling dinosaur" said Rocky. "Today's challenge will help us see who will be defeating the dinosaur. We're all in this together" said Devin, as he put his hand out. "Together" Carrie and Rokcy said at the same time and putting their hands on top of Devin's.

They pulled their hands back and on air horn went off. "Campers, get ready for your next challenge. Today we'll be seeing who'll be the king of all dinos. Meet me at the forest to begin the challenge" said Chris, on the loudspeaker. "Let's get going" said Carrie, as she started running with Devin and Rocky.

As the three of them got there, Chris was standing there, smiling. "Ok Chris, what is today's dino challenge?" asked Rocky. "Today, everyone will be acting like the king of all dinos today. The almighty T-Rex!" said Chris, happily. Everyone just stood there looking at him weirdly. "Anyways, let me explain today's challenge. Everyone will be putting on Tyrannosaurus-Rex suits. You will need to scare the most dinos to win today's challenge. Every herbivore dinosaur is one point, every carnivore dinosaur are two points, and if you scare a humanosaurus, you'll get three points. And by humanosaurus, it doesn't mean Rocky" said Chris.

Everyone put on their suits and walked to each other. "I'm surprised that the scientists created a suit for me which can fit my humanosaurus butt" said Rocky, moving the suits tail around. "On your marks, get set, go!" yelled Chris, as he blew an air horn. The three teens started running into the jungle and split up. Rocky looked around and saw three triceratops. "This will scare them" said Rocky, as she pressed a button in the suit which made it roar. All of the triceratops ran away. "That's three points, now it's time to go and find more" said Rocky, as she started running. She than bumped into something that just ran in front of her. Her suit dropped and it broke. She crawled out from under the metal scraps to see the dino that she had named.

"Falsedominous" Rocky mumbled, quietly. The Falsedominous stopped in front of her and looked at the metal scraps. "Shit! This is not good!" Rocky whispered, as she went behind a tree. The Falsedominous sniffed the area and just walked along. It had three humanosaurus behind it. One was Max, the other was half triceratops, and the last one was half pterodactyl. "This is crazy! How can I run from a gigantic dinosaur if it controls humanosaurus" said Rocky, as she ran off. Devin already had 13 points and Carrie had 9. Rocky ran towards Devin and ran up to him. "Devin, can I have a word with you?" asked Rocky. Devin looked at her and smiled. "Hey Rocky, umm...why are you out of your suit?" asked Devin. "Long story, but I need to leave this episode. You and Carrie will need to be in the final two" said Rocky. Devin looked confused and worried at the same time.

"Rocky, why do you wanna eliminate yourself? Didn't you come on this show to win the money?" asked Devin. "Yeah, but turning into a humanosaurus and soon to be controlled by a giant dinosaur was not on my mind when thinking about winning a million dollars" said Rocky. "Wait, you wanna be eliminated because you don't want to be controlled by the Falsedominous?" asked Devin. "Yeah, I don't wanna hurt anyone" said Rocky. She than heard a roar come from a distance. "Lucky me, that's just Carrie. No Falsedominous there" said Rocky, looking around.

An air horn than blew from the entrance of the forest. "Time's up contestants! Time to see who's going to the final two" said Chris, on the loudspeaker. Everyone started running towards Chris and when they got there, Chris looked at the points on the board. "It looks like Carrie has won this round. And Devin follows up behind Carrie. Rocky where's your suit?" asked Chris. "It's been demolished by a dinosaur" said Rocky. "Well Rocky, you know what that leads to" said Chris. "Yeah I know" said Rocky. "Rocky, we'll miss you" said Devin. "I'm gonna miss you..." said Rocky, as she started holding her head. "What's going on?" asked Carrie. Rocky's patterns started glowing purple and she roared. "Rocky?" called Carrie. Rocky leaped into the forest and just ran away. "Oh no" said Devin.

"Ok, this was a crazy episode, but now we have the final two. Carrie and Devin will be battling it out next challenge to see which one wins the million. Next challenge will be the most gruesome, most dramatic, most suspenseful, and most dangerous challenge yet! What will happen to the final two competitors? What has happened to Rocky? Find out all this on the next episode of Total Drama Jurassic Park!" said Chris, as the camera panned out on the island.

Rocky was wondering through the forest until she saw a purple glow. "That's where you are. I'm coming" said Rocky, as she ran towards the purple glow. "Leader Falsedominous, I am here now" said Rocky. "Perfect. Now I want you to make sure that we've got all the humanosaurus. Make sure they're all under my control" said the Falsedominous. "I will do whatever I can to please you" said Rocky, as she ran through the forest as quick as she can. "I've got Rockaraptor now. Another one for my collection. Scarlophosaurus, Dimaxtrodon, go find and kill more dinos for your king to eat" said the Falsedominous. "Yes, your majesty" said Scarlophosaurus, as she ran into the forest with Dimaxtrodon. "Everything is going as I planned" said the Falsedominous Rex. He than roared loudly and everything went quiet afterwards.

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