Hybrid Finale

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"Last time on Total Drama Jurrasic Park, the three contestants, Rocky, Carrie, and Devin tried to become king of the dinos. Carrie won and Rocky lost. At her elimination, things at gotton crazy! It was like she was under some spell or something. Today is the finale, where Carrie and Devin will battle it out for the million. Who will win the million? Can Scarlett's dino be stopped? Will we ever find Rocky? Find out on today's episode of Total Drama Jurassic Park!" said Chris, as the camera panned out on the island.

Theme Song

Carrie walked outside of the base to see a raptor like figure looking at her. "Rocky?" asked Carrie, as she started walking towards it. Devin walked outside the cabin to see Carrie walking to a wild maiasaura. "Carrie, why are you walking towards a dinosaur?" asked Devin. Carrie stopped walking and rubbed her eyes. She's saw the maiasaura eatting leaves than walk off to the pond. "Whoops. I thought I saw Rocky there" said Carrie. Carrie walked up to Devin and hugged him. "Will we ever see her again? She's still on the island, but we don't know where" said Carrie. "We'll find Rocky, I promise" said Devin.

An air horn blew and Devin and Carrie perked up. "Devin and Carrie, you have made it to the final two. Congratulations! Right now, meet me at the forest entrance to start your final challenge" said Chris on the loudspeaker. "Are you ready for the final challenge of Total Drama Jurassic Park?" asked Devin. "I sure am" said Carrie. The two contestants ran towards the forest entrance to meet up with Chris. When they got there, Chris was standing next to someone. "Chris, who's the girl?" asked Devin. "Devin and Carrie, meet Kleopatra. You can call her Kleo for short" said Chris.

"Hey Kleo" said Carrie. "Hello there Carrie" said Kleo. "For this season's final challenge, Rocky told me something about the Falsedominous Rex. I reviewed the last three episodes of this season to get some information about it. I did find a lot of it. So, you two will be stopping the Falsedominous. Whichever one of you stops it, wins the million dollars. I've also noticed that Rocky, Max, and Scarlett have been taken by this dino. Whoever stops it wins and Kleo will be showing you how to control her dinosaur. Whichever one of you finds it first, have a chance to win the million. It will be easier to fight this dinosaur with other dinosaurs. Carrie, Devin, head over to Kleo. She'll show you how to control every dinosaur in this forest" said Chris, as Carrie and Devin walked over to Kleo.

Kleo than started teaching them how to control dinos on the island. After that, Carrie and Devin got ready to run into the forest. "Alright, on your marks, get set, go!" yelled Chris, as he blew an air horn. Carrie and Devin started running through the forest and dodging things they might trip over. They than split up into separate areas to look for dinosaurs that might stop the Falsedominous. Devin came to an open area in the forest. There were no dinosaurs, but an allosaurus. "This might work" said Devin, as he jumped out in front of it. The allosaurus saw him and tried to chomp him up, but Devin got out of its way. "Not this time dino" said Devin, as he started waving his hands around like a maniac. The allosaurus looked confused on what he was doing.

"Allosaurus, come to me" changed Devin. The allosaurus didn't care and just tried to chomp him up again. Devin looked at it and dodged the attack. "Fine! You wanna do this you crazy dinosaur!? Fine! I'm gonna enter warrior mode and your not gonna like it!!!" said Devin, the allosaurus than later down on the ground in front of Devin. "Now stay there! Help me find this Falsedominous!" said Devin, meanly. Devin climbed on to the allosaurus's back and the allosaurus got up. It started running and they were off. "And now that's how you get a dinosaur" said Devin, determined.

Carrie was looking for a Dino as well. All she came across were, baby ankylosaurus, butterflies, a shoe, and a dead stegosaurus. When Carrie finally came across a tree that was bent, she saw a baby T-Rex. "This one is gonna be crazy, but looks like I'm gonna go T-Rex" said Carrie, as she saw another Dino come out of the pond. "Maybe I'll go Spinosaurus" said Carrie, as she ran over to the pond. The dinosaur looked around and walked on to the land. Carrie ran in front of it and tried to control it. "Wait a minute, this isn't a Spinosaurus. It's a baryonyx" said Carrie. Carrie quickly went into the water and grabbed a fish that was dead. She threw it into the air and the baryonyx caught it and ate it. The baryonyx went closer to Carrie and roared happily.

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