Chapter 2 - Running Away

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A/N: Hi everyone! I was so excited to see the great reactions and reads for this fic! I'll try to update as quick as possible however I am in my last year of University so my thesis will go first but of course I will make time to continue writing this fic!

Enjoy chapter 2 of Mr & Mrs Worricker! :)


Margot and Johnny sat in silence for a while, cuddled up against each other and enjoying being in the presence of the other. Until a crew member of the boat tapped Johnny on the shoulder.

"Mr Worricker, Jim called some people he knows on the airport. We will bring you there and you can take the first plane back to wherever you want to go now. "

Johnny and Margot looked at each other "Where are we going Johnny?" said Margot her eyes filled with fear of getting caught by the British authorities or worse Stirling Rogers.

Johnny stroked her cheek softly and said "Wherever you want to go, I intend to keep my promise now Margot. I'll go wherever you go."

She blushed and smiled softly "I always wanted to go to Germany with you, shall we go there?"

"Tell Jim we're very grateful." Johnny said to the crew members, and joked "tell him we send him a postcard from Germany". The crew laughed a bit and went to the airport where Johnny and Margot would have a chance to live a hectic but new life together.

The airport.

It made Margot remind of things of her past,things not very nice. All the betrayal,the hurt and the misunderstandings between her and Johnny. She still felt as if it was only a girl,who fell in love for someone she shouldn't even have met.

* flashback*

Johnny was a famous womanizer, a gentleman and, above all that, a romantic. Margot wouldn't deny that, she did enjoyed this side of him, but really....this side of him usually made them take a lot of risks in the missions. Of course they didn't had a lot of missions, after all, they were MI5,it was way more paperwork.

Talking about the Secret Services, once - about two years later their first date - Baron made sure to put Margot into a program which linked both MI5 and MI6. Now she'd deal with actual action, battlefield. Not those boring piles and piles of unending paperwork. Not that she didn't liked it, no, far from it, but this indication - along with a few other situations - created a few cracks in her relationship with Johnny.

He just seemed to not understand that this was the chance of her life! Many would kill to have an opportunity like this! But, his romantic side couldn't leave him, not even in the working hours.  Of course that, in his own way, he convinced Margot that it was too early to go to such a big operation as this one.

She was a fool.

She thought she was the one to him. How silly. Less than a week later, there was him, posing with his wife, Emma, to the local journal. That had hurt Margot more than she could show and express.

They were apart for almost seventeen months,she couldn't stand it. How could he? Fool her that way?  But again,Baron was an angel to her,again he tried to send her to MI6.In the meantime,Johnny received the great news: he was going to be daddy!

It was enough. She sure wanted him to be happy,but she wouldn't forgive least not that easily.This time,nothing could stop her.

Unluckly,he came again. This time,when she was at the airport,she came running after her,telling that he loved her and that he didn't wanted her to go. Margot smiled weakly,sad. She asked him "what about your wife and child?" or "what will you do about it? Hide me under the carpet?", she couldn't remember very well.

He, for her surprise, said that he had divorced from Emma. That, of course, he'd help with his daughter, but that he was truly mad in love for her, that he'd do whatever he could to have her again beside him.

Oh well....what could she do? Her heart still ached for Johnny, and he knew it. He was her weakness, her sore spot and, as much as it's hard to believe, she wouldn't want it to be another way.





"Margot?" This time Johnny touched his ex-lover's shoulder, to call her attention "Are you even listening to me?"

Margot blinked a few times, finally listening to him. "Sorry dearie, I was lost in my thoughts...."

"Yeah, I could notice that...." He said with a simple smile "About what were you thinking?"


He looked at her with a serious face and gave her a cup of tea. Their flight would be in about two hours.

"Oh, thank you, hon.....hmn...Memories, I mean....." she finally said.

"And, by your looks, not very nice ones, heh?"

"Not exactly...." She said and Johnny frowned." But we can't live locked in the past, can we?"

Johnny nodded, waiting for her to keep talking, but that didn't happened. With a small shrug, Johnny Worricker placed his arm around his companion and caressed her shoulder with his thumb, hoping that they'd end up well.

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