eleven; one-shot // 2

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unless if I say so


Afraid of the Dark

Yoongi was sitting in front of his computer nodding his head in time to his music when he noticed the rain outside getting louder. He momentarily wondered if he’d remembered to take his laundry inside, before he was suddenly plunged into darkness. The power was out. Again. Every time there was even the slightest storm, his power would go out; this, however, was the first time it had happened at night-time since he’d moved in.

This wouldn’t be that bad for anyone else, but Yoongi had been terrified of the dark for as long as he could remember. As an eighteen year old, it was something he was very embarrassed about and would lie any time the subject happened to come up. But alone in the suffocating blackness there was no-one to lie to or act tough for, so the fear quickly clouded his mind.

Yoongi’s hands cautiously patted the desk in front of him in a blind attempt to find his phone. As his fingers found their target; he felt safer already.

Lifting the object off the desk a sudden feeling of something brushing his shoulder made him jump and the phone slipped from his grasp; landing on the carpet with a dull thud.

Yoongi was frozen; unable to move and terrified of whatever that was; his mind quickly supplying a thousand different ideas about what could possibly lurk in the darkness. After a moment the teenager shook his head and internally attempted to reassure himself that it had been his imagination.

His thoughts stopped dead when a warm hand landed heavily on his right shoulder. He couldn’t move as he felt the fingers gently digging into his skin. He opened his mouth to scream, but it stopped in his throat as he felt something ghosting close to his left ear. A menacing chuckle came from the darkness, far too close to him, as Yoongi’s blood ran cold. His mind screamed at him to move, but he could do nothing other than grip the arms of his chair in fear.

“I’m surprised you’ve managed to avoid me for this long, boy, but I knew you’d end up in the dark again eventually.” The menacing tone Yoongi had thought existed only in his nightmares had him shivering in fear as the fingers on his shoulder began to creep closer towards his neck. “Oh, don’t tell me you’ve forgotten me! I thought I had made quite a deep impression the last time; though I suppose you were only a toddler…”

An eerie red light spilled onto the wall in front of him; shifting at the same time the presence next to his ear retreated slightly. Yoongi was relieved for a split second before the hand on his shoulder forced him to turn towards the light source.

Yoongi’s breath hitched at the sight of the two glowing red eyes glaring at him through the darkness. Repressed memories of his last encounter of this nature sparked in his mind, making him flinch away and fall from his chair in shock.

His body finally began to comply with his thoughts as he frantically scrambled around on the floor and clawing at the carpet until he sound his phone. He breathed a sigh of relief as the screen lit up and the room was illuminated by the cold light.

For a moment he dared to believe that the ordeal was over, until he heard the dark chuckle once more. Yoongi slowly looked up, dreading what the creature would look like in a different light. The sight that met him was nothing like he had imagined; not once did he picture the owner of that voice as a teenage boy with red hair, but upon closer inspection he realised that the boy had small red horns on his head and a long snake-like tail with a pointed end swaying menacingly behind him. For some reason, the reality was much more horrific to Yoongi than any of the terrible creatures he had imagined to match those eyes.

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