Chapter 2

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After I finished unpacking I decided to make myself familiar with the campus. I grabbed my coat and my purse, and started out the door of the dorm complex. Unraveling my headphones I started to walk down the cement sidewalks of the campus. I turned on some Kings of Leon and took a moment to just appreciate my surroundings.

The populated sidewalks here are such a change from the rarely occupied sidewalks of New Hampshire. The sunny but chilly weather was just enough in addition to the autumn leaves falling from the trees that cover the campus. The swift cold winds here are different from the dull heavy winds in NH. Everything just feels different..better. A sense of relief washes over my body as I come to the realization that this is my new life. There's no more wishing for it, only living it.

I'm just so happy to be away from that small town that holds all of my dreaded past within its hands. I couldnt bare the constant stares and pities. Dont get me wrong, I love my mom and my sister and all my friends..its just I've always been pretty independent and craving change. I'm finally living that change.

Once Ive drifted away from my thoughts I find myself standing in front of a record shop on the outskirts of the campus. I couldn't help to think of my dad and how he would put his favorite record on and spin me around and tell me how he would always love Mom, Emma and I. I felt a smile creep up onto my lips.

But that's gone. And I have come to realize it's not coming back and never will.

With that I kept walking down the busy streets of New York City, when a small cafe at the corner of the street catches my attention. I also noticed a We are hiring sign in the corner of the window. The thought of having a job hadn't even come to my mind until now.

My feet move before my mind does and I soon realize I'm standing infront of a lady with long Blonde hair and green eyes. She looks like shes in her mid thirteys, although she is quite gorgeous.

The cafe is cute and comfortable, just what you would expect a New York City coffee shop to be like. Inside the walls are painted in different pastels colors and the aroma of freshley brewed coffee in addition to muffins makes its way into my senses. I couldn't help but notice all the busy chatting, laughing, or laptops around the small cafe. The atmosphere just felt...good...happy.

The lady I'm standing in front of looks flustered trying to spew out latte by latte but I guess she manages to notice me staring and greets me with a bright smile and a hello.

"Hi, I notice the hiring sign on the window and-" I managed to say before I was cut off with a hug and a screech.

"YES OF COURSE!!" she said a little to excited but I couldn't help but let out a small chuckle. She gave me her card with a phone number and all the cafe information on it. For all she knew, she could have just welcomed a serial killer to work for her. The card read:

Cafe on the Corner

1678 Broadway St.

Becca Horan


May all your coffee dreams come true..

Her name was Becca Horan and I guess she is the owner of the business. The name of the cafe was relevent since it is the cafe on the corner. I couldn't help but smile as I noticed the decorative daisy trimming on the outisde of the small card.

"Ive gottta run but call me or shoot me a text when you can love." And with that I gave a quick nod and a thank you before walking back onto the busy sidewalk.

"Well that was quite easy." I laughed to myself as the crisp fall wind nearly knocks me on my ass. I've always been a tad clumsy I guess.

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