Chapter 5

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The walk back to the campus was short but well needed. As I made it back to my dorm room I looked into the small room and noticed that Blondie is still under the covers dead asleep. I smirked to myself as I shut the door with force. The bang had her sitting up in her swarm of blankets.

"What the fuck are you doing" she groaned still half asleep.

"Oh! I'm sorry to wake you. Please ignore me" I said with a smile

She rolled her eyes and fell back into her mass of blankets. As I walked back to my bed I swear I heard her mutter 'fucking bitch' under her breath.

I changed out of the current shirt I was wearing and put on a simple blue, one shouldered sweater. I took my hair out of its ponytail and brushed over my hair. I quickly freshened my makeup and grabbed my bag as I walked out the door.

My first class ended up being a 10 minute walk from were my dorm was located, and as I checked my watch it read that I had made it on time.
Fuck yes.

I quickly looked around the room that would be my history class from now on. Definitely bigger than a regular high school classroom.

I decided to choose on sitting in the middle. It shows that I'm not trying to impress by sitting in the front or show that I don't give a shit by sitting in the back, so the middle will do.

I sit down and put my bag on the seat next to me and take out my note pad and put it in front of me. As I'm about to open my notebook I get interrupted .

"You know, following people is kinda weird"

I turned around slowly, and make eye contact to the coffee guy I met this morning. Niall.

" Hmm, What can I say? I couldn't help myself."

Niall let out a chuckle and smiled at me. He opened his mouth to say something but a voice came from the front of the room. As I turned to the front I saw that the voice came from a older man. He introduced himself as professor Liac.

The rest of the class consisted of Professor Liac stating what we would be learning and the history of the school. As class ended I had completely forgotten that Niall had been behind me.

"I don't know how I'm going to pay attention to him when he sounds like he just ran 10 miles" Niall said

I nodded in agreement as it was true. Professor Liac takes a deep breath after each word as if he can't breathe.

"Do you have another class today?" Niall questioned.

"No, I only have one class today."

"Where are you going now?"

I chuckled "you seem to have a lot of questions Niall"

He smiled and nodded his head showing that he's waiting for a answer.

"Um, I think I'm just going to head back to my dorm room. " I said with a shrug

"Good. I'll walk you back" he said already moving out of his aisle ready to walk up the stairs to the door but I stop him.

"You don't have to, I'm able to walk myself back"

"Never said you couldn't , just wanted to chat. Now come on" he said impatiently

So I get my notebook and shove it into my bag and walk up the steps to where Niall was waiting.

"So, is this some kind of trick to get me alone, so you can kill me and sell my organs?" I ask as we walk into the sunny, yet windy atmosphere of New York.

"You're the one that followed me Dylan." He said as he brushed up his hair with his fingers as the windy air pushed it down on his face.

"Oh yeah, I forgot I did that "

Niall chuckled "So since we go to the same school and work at the same shop, does what mean we're destined to be together ? He asked with raised eyebrows.

I let my head fall back and let a laugh roll off my tongue.

"That's a great possibility Niall."

We stopped walking and crossed the busy road .

I looked up to him as we started walking on the sidewalk again" So when did you come to America?"

" when I was 14"

"Why did you come to America?"

"Now look who has all the questions " he smiled down at me

I rolled my eyes but nodded my head as to signal him to answer my question, like he did not too long ago.

His face scrunched up in concentration . "Um my mom and dad got a divorce and my mom wanted to open a bakery but didn't want to stay in Ireland so we came here."

I looked straight ahead and noticed we were in front of my dorm building .

"Ok well thank you for walking me Prince Charming, I'll see you tomorrow at the shop?" I questioned while looking at his pink stained cheeks from the windy day. He nodded.

I turned around to walk into the building

"Dylan wait"

I turned back around and gave him a questionable look.

"Okay so there's this party on Saturday and I was wondering if you would want to go."

I looked at him with raised eyebrows.

"You know I'm just going to end up following you anyways." I said with a smirk on my face.

He smiled at me "Bye Dylan"

I turned around and walked into the building and walked the stairs to the floor my room was.

Look at me. Already getting invited to college parties on my second day here.

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