Chapter 7

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Be there in 10?

'Sounds good to me.' I quickly responded. I walked over to my mirror, glancing down my outfit.

Do I look like I'm trying to hard? Fuck.

Is this too much?

No. I walked a couple steps away before my feet came to a hault and made their way back to the mirror.

Wait. I guess maybe rolling my jeans will touch it up. After looking back at myself I realized I just look 12 with rolled jeans. So I unrolled them.

Honestly whatever. I totally gave up on my split second fashionista moment..

I decided on just wearing a maroon Pearl Jam band T-shirt, with black skinny jeans. I bent over and tied my black, worn, high top converse.

I heard my phone go off, guessing that it's Niall saying he's outside. I grabbed it and slipped it in my purse before walking out the door.

I spotted him in his olive green jeep across the street dormitory building. Stepping off the curb I headed toward his car.

"Hey, you look hot.." he said with a cheeky smirk.

"Good that was my goal." I laughed at how nonchalant he is.

He shifted the gear and pulled away from the now fading dormitory building.

"So what's the plan for tonight?"

"Im really not too sure.. Guess we'll find out as the night continues." He said keeping his eyes on the road.

I took this moment to check him out. Niall was wearing black ripped jeans with a black band T-shirt. If I didn't already see Niall as a friend I would be in his bed by the end of the night, like jeez this guy is insanely hot.

"Liking the view babe?" Niall smirks.
"Oh yeah, New York is gorgeous. " I joke trying to hide my embarrassment.

After that we decided on just listening to the radio. I let the music run through my ears even though I don't even care for the song. I stared out the window listening to Niall humming along. I couldn't help but remember the last time I was on my way to a party.


I let my hair down and softly sang along to the Nirvana song that is heavily blaring out the speakers into my ears. I closed my eyes and my lips found there way to the cold tip of the vodka bottle in my hands. I let my mind wander to the scenarios that could play on tonight. Ryan sat beside me, his hand resting on my thigh. I'm anxious to see how this night will end.

End of flashback

"Dylan we're here." I was snapped back to reality when Niall turned the ignition off and stepped out the car. I followed his actions and made my way besides him as we walked towards the sleek modern New York apartment complex.

"Shit." I whispered to myself taking in the sight of the tall building. We made our way through the lobby and I noticed the warmth atmosphere in comparison to the chilling air outside. We got into the elevator and the classical music playing was pissing me off. The fact that he lived on the 15th floor was not helping.

Finally, the elevator opened and I stepped out after Niall. The apartment was bigger than anything I've ever seen in New Hampshire. The sight was rather ravishing. The chanting of Nialls name soon began after we entered the party. I guess the little shits popular too.

This scene feels all too familiar.

I was soon interrupted from my thoughts before they could wander any further into the realms of my past. I felt nialls palm on the small of back as he lead me toward the oversized kitchen.

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