Chapter 4

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As I walk my way to the coffee shop I start thinking about my encounter with the super enthusiastic employee from the record shop. I smile to myself as I replay the scenario in my head.
What a dick.

I'm pulled from my thoughts when I reach the small coffee shop. As I make myself through the door , the overwhelming scent of espresso is still surprisingly very comforting. I look around and the scene is almost identical to the first time I stepped into the shop. People laughing and chatting with their laptops spread across round tables, the shop not crowded but yet not empty.

I instantly spotted Becca at the back handing a man a coffee cup. As Becca looked up she spotted me. A huge smile creaked across her face and she walked around the back to make her way to me. I raise my hand to wave but I was cut off by her attacking me with a hug. I let out a huff at the unexpecting contact. Becca released her hold of me and looked at me with a smile.

"I never caught your name sweetie!"

"Oh yeah, my name is Dylan " I told her with a slight smile .

"Fantastic! Let me introduce you to June!"

Becca seemed to have a slight Irish accent that I never noticed before.

She suddenly grabbed a hold of my hand and lead me to the back were the scent of coffee increased by each step I took. My eyes fell upon a short girl with fare skin and blonde hair that was rolled into a loose bun. The girl turned her head and smiled at me.

"June honey! This is Dylan." June walked her way to us and I decided to introduce myself.

"Hi I'm Dylan ..Foray" I didn't really know what to do since I was just standing there, so I stuck out my hand for a handshake. Nice move Dylan.

June giggled and took ahold of my hand and shook it.

"I'm June " we both looked at Becca as to what we do next.

"Great! So I was thinking June here can show you the basics of how to make our coffee. How does that sound?" Becca said looking back and forth between us.

"Uh yeah that sounds good..Follow me Dylan." June turned around to go back to her previous spot and I followed . I turn around to see if Becca had followed us but she seemed to have disappeared. June had taken out some glass cups, coffee and some other thing I didn't know what the fuck was.

"Ok so I'm going to show you how to make the basic coffee that we serve here" she said kindly and poured some coffee in a glass, then grabbed a silver pourer which contained creamer and made a crazy design of a leaf. I laughed to myself at the thought of me trying to actually create something I can give a customer .

June finished the cup of coffee with a sprinkle of brown sugar on top and looked at me with a smile .

"Did you catch that?" She questioned me

"Uhh yeah I can.. Attempt that " I laughed, letting her know I was kidding when I kinda wasn't.

June giggled "Ok so I'm going to go cashier for a bit and I'll be back to see how you did, Is that ok?" She looked at me with questioning eyes.

"Yeah that sounds good" I said with a reassuring small smile .

"Ok so here's three cups . You can try any design you know, and I'll be back to check on you." June turned around and headed to the cashier where customers were waiting to be accounted.

I look back down to where three cups sat with the materials needed around it. Fuck, I don't know how to do this .

I decided I'm going to just go for it as I pour the first cup with black coffee. I then grab the creamer and try to think of a design that isn't so difficult . I decide on making a simple swirl and as I tip the container, creamer pours out but does not create the cool looking 'swirl' I expected. All it did was make the black liquid slightly lighter.

"Wow how pretty" I said sarcastically to myself.

"You're not doing it right." A voice said behind me .

I turned around quickly, and I was met by a blonde guy who looked rather young. He had on a pair of ripped black jeans and a grey t-shirt.

"Yeah I think I noticed that "

The guy laughed " ok would you like me to show you how to do it right?"

The guy had a thick Irish accent and I wouldn't be surprised if he was related to Becca.

" What's your name?" I asked instead of answering his question.

"Niall.. My mom is the owner here" he said looking at me.

"I figured .. I'm Dylan" I told him and again for the second this day, I extended my hand out for a handshake. Niall chuckled and took ahold of my hand and shook it with a smile on his face. He defiantly knew that I felt slightly uncomfortable .

"Ok Niall, how about you save me from my embarrassment " I said motioning to the remaining two cups sitting on the counter.

Niall laughed and walked over to stand in front of the counter and grabbed the coffee cup and poured the black bitter liquid into the cup half way .

"the first mistake you made is filling the cup with too much coffee "

" The first out of many?" I said with raised eyebrows.

Niall laughed a bit then turned to me "yeah how did you get this job exactly?"

"I guess it was one of those 'there at the right moment' kind of things"

Niall eventually grabbed the creamer and showed me how to create a basic leaf. At the end of Niall's small step to step explanation, I created somewhat of a leaf..

"Not too hard right?"

"I find drawing on a piece of paper hard..Now trying to do the same thing on coffee is not exactly easy"

He smiled. He has a nice smile.

"Well Dylan, I'll be glad to help whenever you need me"

"Careful. I might use that offer quite a bit" I smiled back.

We were shortly interrupted by June.

"Hey! How did they come out?"

I moved over slightly to show the cup of coffee I had finished designing. She looked at the coffee then took a sip of the warm liquid.

"Not too bad Dylan. I think you'll fit right in." she said with a smile.

She carefully set the cup back on the counter. "So I talked with Becca and your first real day is tomorrow. Does that sound good?"

I nodded " that sounds great."

I glanced over at the clock on the place yellow wall and realized it was 12:15.

"Shit I've got to go." I turned around and grabbed my bag and the purchase I bought not too long ago.

"Sorry, I've got my first class today and I can't be late"

"No problem! I'll tell Becca you had to go" June said with reassuring smile.

"Ok thanks!" I said rather quickly due to the fact that I was in a rush.

I rush out of the store and as I step on the concrete of the sidewalk I come in contact with a tall older male.

"Shit I'm sorry" I say. Meanwhile the guy doesn't even bother to look at me before he walks away.

Jesus, I need time to get use to this city.

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