Chapter 2

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Seconds later, the alpha heard the door latch click behind her. She stood perfectly still, listening. The house was silent. Uncomfortably silent. Jana was hesitant to move; she felt like any move she made would be too loud. looking around the downstairs floor of the house, Jana saw no evidence of anyone being inside except from herself. Wolf instincts began to kick in, telling Jana that despite her beliefs, she was not alone.

She made her way up the wooden staircase, stopping after every other step to listen again. The curious wolfblood was almost at the top of the staircase when her senses eventually picked up a sound coming from within the house. Sobbing.

Placing a hand on the handle of the bedroom door, Jana took a moment to consider what she could be faced with. Matei was clearly very upset, but what about? She thought back to when she had first met Matei, when he had given her his necklace to do ansion. He had cried in her arms for what seemed like forever, and even though they hadn't known each other for too long, it broke her heart to see him like that. She didn't ever want to face that again.

The door suddenly flung open, causing Jana to jump back in astonishment. Standing inches away from her was the unrecognizable image of her boyfriend.

'Matei...' Jana managed to whisper before pulling the tall boy into a hug. She clung onto him lovingly, but was returned nothing. His arms did not wrap around her, like they usually did. He just stood there. As if something incredibly important was playing on his mind. Pulling away, the alpha studied her boyfriend's appearance thoroughly. To put it simply, he looked dreadful. The boy's dark pyjama t-shirt and shorts hung loosely on his tall frame, highlighting his slouched posture. The dark brown eyes looked extremely tired, and had lost their usual shine to them. The only thing that looked good was his hair. Matei's dark locks stuck out in awkward directions, making him look even cuter. He probably didn't intend for this, Jana thought, but she liked it anyway.

Matei still hadn't said a word. The two stared at each other for a few minutes, before Matei sighed heavily and retreated to sitting on the edge of his bed. His girlfriend followed, settling herself next to him. She continued to study his expression for something, anything. She watched him run a hand though his untidy hair and then rest it on his neck, clearly deep in thought.

'Matei, you-'

'I'm fine.' Matei cut her off sharply.

Jana was taken aback. Why was he being so defensive? He must be hiding something, and Jana was determined to get to the bottom of the problem.

'Okay, you're fine. So, if you're so fine, why didn't you go to college?'

Matei looked back to his girlfriend, a look of defeat on his face.

'Oh. You know about that?'

Jana laughed slightly 'thanks to TJ, yeah, I do.' She wanted to say something else, but couldn't think of anything. But by looking at the guilty expression on Matei's face, she could tell that there was more behind his reason than she originally thought.

Matei must had been doing a lot of thinking himself, because eventually he turned to Jana and took her hands in his.

'If I tell you, you promise you won't tell anyone else.' This was the first time Matei had properly looked her in the eyes that day, and now his eyes were serious and meaningful.

Oh god Jana thought.

This was important.

Author's note

Hey! Yeah this took me so long because I've been extremely busy with school, and unfortunately that isn't going to go away for a while :(

I apologise that this is a short one. It felt like a natural break in the story and I promise the next one will be longer!

Love you guys, please vote and comment, and keep reading xx

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