Chapter 9

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"We were wondering if you wanted to come with us"

"Wait, what?!"

Maddy and Rhydian grinned at their friends' reaction. All three of them were still sitting in the Kafe, despite the clock telling them it was coming close to 1am. But tine didn't matter right now, this was more important.

Jana didn't even realise she was grinning in surprise until het cheeks began to ache. She couldn't believe what they were suggesting. Going back, after all this time, after everything that had just seemed ridiculous. So how come a part of her was so eager to say yes? The offer didn't even seem realistic, but that didn't stop Jana from imagining what it would be like to go back. The idea sounded so enticing, why?

She noticed that the other two were looking at her expectantly, she she tried to formulate some kind of sentence in her brain.

"I, um...I mean..."

No, she had to think about this properly.

"Where are you guys even going to stay?"

"We contacted my mum and dad a few weeks back" Rhydian explained. Jana noticed how he had a slight accent. She liked it.

"Ceri and Gerwyn are still staying in my old house, which mam and dad were thrilled to hear" Maddy said, smiling at Rhydian. She looked noticeably older than when Jan last saw her, perhaps her distaste towards her had changed too.

"Aran was there last time we spoke to them" Rhydian mentioned, dodging the potential awkward silence "He told us about what happened with you and Kincade"

Janas expression became uneasy. Being reminded of all that was not a pleasant feeling.

She sighed "Yeah, well, it's been and gone. We're all okay now."

"We?" Questioned Maddy.

"Yeah. Me, Matei, TJ, Selina. And Ollie too. Oh, and Katrina"

Rhydian smiled. "Wow, look who's doing well for themselves, Miss 'I can't see me living in the city' "

Jana smirked at her friend's response. "Yeah, I suppose I was wrong. I mean, of course it took time to adjust, but I really love it here. Being in the city, meeting new people...It's definatly been interesting. Especially the full moons"

"We're looking forward to it" Maddy replied. "We were hoping to spend the next full moon with you and your friends before heading back home."

Jana felt her heartbeat catch when Maddy refers to Stoneybridge as 'home'. It made her wonder, where was home to her? She used to be sure that she had found her true life in the city, but now that everything might change again, she felt more confused than ever.

Where did she belong? In the wild with her roots, in stoneybridge with the people who changed her life? Or in the city where she had a job, a purpose, a boyfriend?

Her mind filled with guilt when it became clear to her that she hadn't even considered Matei yet. She couldn't just leave him in the city, Jana thought. What kind of person would she be to leave someone who had already been left behind and heartbroken so many times? Especially to run away with a boy that Matei already had his doubts about.

Being here with her old friends had reminded her of how normal everything used to be. It all felt so natural and comfortable; for now, Jana didn't have to be an alpha, or a girlfriend, or a spokesperson for her entire species. She wished she could stay like this for longer. But she realised where her responsibilites lay, not only to Matei, but to all her pack.

She had a purpose here. A life. And many more reasons to stay.

The girl sighed. She hoped her old friends would understand her choice. And if not, things were about to get difficult.

"Look guys, it's really amazing to see you, and of course you can stay with us tonight for full moon. But..."

She hesitated, trying to find the best way to let het friends down gently.

"You want to stay here?" Rhydian asked softly.

Jana nodded. "Sorry guys"

They both shrugged, each with a sad, sympathetic look on their face.

"It's okay" Rhydian assured her "You're choosing what's best for you, right?"

Jana nodded again, silently looking down and fiddling with her hair.

Maddy sighed sympathetically and reached across the table to put her hand on top of her friend's.

"As soon as we've settled down, you can come visit us. All of you can"

"Of course we will! I'd make sure we'd visit you even if you didn't want us there" Jana replied, earning a laugh from the other two. "Look, I really am sorry. It's just- something, I don't know what, but something is telling me to stay here. Maybe it's coming from my heart, I don't know..." She trailed off when she realised she probably wasn't even making sense anymore.

Maddy had obviously been paying more attention than Jana realised, because she picked up on something that her friend had said.

"Jana," Maddy began, a sly smile spreading across her face "I don't suppose this has something to do with- that guy?" She motioned outside, as if 'that guy' was waiting outside the door.

"Who? Matei?"

The couple shared a knowing smile. They had a very good idea about what was really going on, even if Jana didn't.

"Yes, Matei" Maddy responded "Are you two like-"

"A couple? Yeah."

Rhydian gasped dramatically "No way!"

Him and Maddy laughed once again, leaving Jana sitting awkwardly opposite the hysterical couple. Was her relationship with Matei really that obvious?

"Well, anyway" Jana said, rising from her seat and heading towards the door to the flat. "You guys should probably get some sleep. Oh and - don't take this the wrong way- but you might want to use the shower too. I'll show you where it is" She offered, looking the pair up and down. They would probably need some fresh clothes too.

"We'll come up in a minute" Rhydian said "Thanks Jana"

Jana smiled and went through the door to the flat. As she did so, she felt her phone vibrate in her pocket. She took it out as she made her way to her room.

[Matei] how's the reunion going? X

She paused, reading the short text over and over again before replying.

[Jana]  okay :) I'll meet up with you in the morning, yeah? X

[Matei] looking forward to it :) X

She smiled. Small things like this reminded her that she had made the right choice. But something in the back of her mind was telling her that no matter where she was, things were about to change.

Author's note
So series 5 has been and gone! What did everyone think? Tell me in the comments cause I love to chat with other wolfblood fans 😄
Also, this chapter is actually set before the previous one. I know, it's a bit confusing
Please vote and comment if you enjoyed, also my first book just hit 10k reads!!!!!! Thank youu guys!
Okay I'm gonna stop now 😊

See you all soon xx

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