Chapter 8

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Matei stared glumly at the open doorway metres away from him.

Thirty long minutes had dragged past so far. Thirty long minutes of sitting in a stuffy classrom, trying not to make eye contact with the dozens of pairs of eyes constantly on him. Enough was enough, couldn't he just leave already?

He wondered what his teacher would do if he decided to just get up and leave. After all, the school was yet to enforce any rules against wolfbloods; he could transform right now and leap out the window, without breaking a single rule.

Matei found himself smiling at the idea. May as well take the opportunity while it's still there, before the teachers become a bit smarter.

The minutes gradually began to chip away, and so did Matei's patience. He hadn't written a single thing down, hadn't even taken his textbooks out of his bag. The same thing happened at the start of this lesson as what always happened now. He would walk in, the room would fall silent, and then the whispers and rumors would echo through the room until the lesson began.

It became a routine. A tedious routine.

And there was only a certain amount of times that Matei -or any of the wolfbloods- could handle their temper.

Matei knew all too well by now that letting his mind wonder wasn't clever, but it didn't stop him from thinking back to last night. Something about him and Jana finding Maddy and Rhydian in their den seemed all to strange to be a coincidence. There was no way that they could know about the place having any relation to the pack; the last time they had been there was months ago.

As for Maddy and Rhydian themselves, Matei could understand why Jana had missed them. Jana had talked many times about her close relationship with Rhydian in particular, often causing Matei to blush out of pure jelousy.

As he sat silently in his classroom, Matei felt the jealousy rise up inside him again. It wasn't that he was jealous of Rhydian. He was jealous of the relationship he had with Jana. Seeing them, together, you could tell that they just felt...comfortable, content, happy in each other's company.

Jana had reassured him this morning that there was nothing to be concerned about.
"We're just friends, Matei" she said, whilst giving his hand a reassuring squeeze "He's like a brother to me"
Although it reasured Matei immensely, it didn't mean that he wasn't looking forward to bolting out the door as soon as the bell went, to being by her side again.

----20 minutes later----

As soon as the bell had sounded, Matei was out in the corridor. He was making his way as slowly as possible to his last lesson (so what if I'm late, I'll just growl at the teacher) when he noticed Selina making her way to the gym.

"Hey, Selina!" He called, quickening his pace to met his friend. She turned around, a fed up look on her face.

Matei noticed this by the time he reached her; something must be wrong.

"Hey. How was the-"

"Dreadful" Selina interrupted, crossing her arms and scowling at the floor.

"Oh. Do you, talk about it?"

She sighed "Not really"
She flashed him a sad smile and continued to head towards the gym. She sensed Matei turn around and walk the other way.  Good. She wanted to be alone.

She was even more thankful when she went into the changing rooms to find it empty. No sweaty humans filling the room with humid air as they bustled about, spraying endless amounts of deodorant and triggering Selina's hightend senses.

Being in here reminded Selina of how it was before. Before all the drama, the revelation, when everything seemed normal.
She could come in here, get changed, then completely destroy her opponments without anyone shouting abuse in her direction, calling her a cheat.

Selina took her phone out of her bag, opening messenger. She was in desperate need to talk to TJ. However she began to jab at the keyboard so aggressively that the device fell out her shaking hands and landed with a crack on the tiled floor.
She felt it. The tingling.

Selina looked at her hands to see strong black marks slowly crawling to her fingers. She had to calm down, she had to forget what happened that morning.

It was safe to say that Selina's early morning training session had not gone as expected. 
With the benefit of hindsight, it didn't seem good from the very start. Even before she had stepped onto the mat, a lot of questionable looks were being thrown her way. However, the girl was determimd to prove herself to the coach.

Selina cringed at how stupid and naive she must have appeared to the humans. She had grinned so stupidity as the coach apllauded her on her skills.
"Brilliant! Absolutely brilliant!" He said "Now, could we try that again, but maybe this time, try not to cheat?"

Selina winced as she remembered how his face changed in an instant. He spat out the word 'cheat' like it was poison in his mouth.

The whole thing was a set up. Within seconds, Selina was surrounded. She felt suffocated by the amount of voices surrounding her. "You'll always be a cheat!"  "You don't deserve to win!"  "You're not talented, just a show off."

She had ran out of the gym, the walls echoing the laughter behind her, and seeked comfort in sitting alone in the changing rooms, exactly where she was now. Her eyes were a vibrant yellow, hands tingling, anger thriving.

That was when Selina decided: she hated humans.

Author's note

who's excited for the series 5 finale???? Meee! Only a few days to go 😆

This was actually one of my favourite chapters to write so far, but I wanna know what you think! Please tell me what you think of this story. I'm open to suggestions too 😊

I'll see you soon with another chapter! Xx

We're Stronger Now- Wolfbloodजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें