Chapter 12

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Matei woke up the next morning to a wearing pain in the left side of his head. He noticed that he wasn't alone, but his vision was too blurry to properly make out the four people sitting around his bed, or who's hand was shakily holding this. The unfamiliarity of his surroundings caused his heart to race with panic, and the pain in his head was preventing him from sitting up.

He strained his eyes to try and identify the other people in the room however it only resulted in a loud groan escaping from his mouth.

"Hey, take it easy"

Matei felt the hand move to the top of his head, beginning to stroke his messy hair. It relaxed him, and he smiled when he realised that the hand belonged to someone with long red hair and a very concerned expression.


"ssh, it's okay. You're okay, isn't he?" she asked a woman behind her.

She nodded. "Of course. Just mild concussion and a sprained wrist, nothing permanent. It should only take a few days for you to recover, seeing as the moon is still practically full."

"Great. Thank you, Dr. Whitewood."

The woman in the distance left, leaving two other unknowns and Jana in the room with Matei.

Now that he had adjusted, Matei managed to sit up and look around. He realised he was in his bedroom, with the curtains closed and his bed covers underneath him.

"How you feeling?" TJ asked.

"Horrible." Matei replied simply. He saw Ollie standing by the door with his arms crossed. He must have been the other person.

"How did I get here?"

"We brought you here as soon as we found you" Jana explained, continuing to run her fingers through her boyfriend's hair "Your foster parents weren't in but we found the spare key. We called Dr Whitewood and she came over straight away, put your arm in a sling whilst you were still unconscious. She said she'd try and contact your foster mum"

Matei nodded, but then frowned. "Wait, what do you mean you found me?"

"You-you don't remember what happened?"

"No. Why? What happened?" He saw the three others look at each other hesitantly before facing him again.

"We were attacked."


Jana began to explain but was interrupted by her phone ringing loudly in her hand. She frowned when she saw the caller ID.

"Why is your mum calling me?" She asked TJ, who just shrugged. Jana sighed and headed towards the door.

"I won't be long" She assured her pack before holding the phone to her ear and stepping out of the room, shutting the door behind her.

"So, anyways" TJ began "we were being watched, basically, even before we transformed. They had tranquilizers, and after we transformed they split us up and chased us away from each other."

Ollie sat down on the bed with TJ and Matei.

"Are you sure you don't remember this?"

Matei thought hard. "I don't know. Maybe it's only temporary, but the last thing I remember is being human. It's difficult, I know something happened, I was running and...I don't know"

TJ nodded. "Maddy found you on a track running through the bottom of a valley. She guessed you'd tripped and fallen down the hill. It would explain your concussion."

"Jana was a mess" Ollie added.

"Yeah" TJ agreed "I've never seen her freak out as much as she did when she saw you"

"She felt guilty that she wasn't there with you, but it wasn't her fault. They split us so that we were more vulnerable, she couldn't have known where you were"

"Of course" Matei said "And what about the people who attacked us? Where are they now?"

Ollie shrugged "We don't know. But they won't be harassing us again. Imara and the Segolia security wolfbloods were spending full moon not too far away from us, and when they heard what was happening... well, if you were outnumbered by a pack of angry wolves you wouldn't be hanging around either."

Matei frowned "So, it was Segolia that saved us?"

"Yeah, I guess" TJ said "And Selina. She helped scare them off, she was still fuming this morning. She would have come here but she said that 'Something had to be done'" He sighed "I don't know, she just seemed so ticked off about the whole thing."

"I just hope she's not getting into trouble" Ollie added "the last thing we need is negative publicity."

The other two hummed in agreement just as the bedroom door burst open. It was Jana, holding her phone in one hand and looking very distressed.

"Guys, Selina's been arrested."

Author's note

It's summer! I'm so looking forward to spending day after day sitting inside and writing, because its just so much better than socialising.

What do you think of this cliffhanger? Please tell me what you think of this and also vote if you want, updates should be more frequent now because school's finished!

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