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Donald woke up, clearly feeling uneasy.

"Is something wrong, Master?" His wife, Melania, asked.

"No, I just had that dream again."

"You mean the one where they finally arrest you for all of your pussy grabbing?"

"No, the one where I die and everyone cries because they feel so lost. What if it actually happens, Melania?"

"Oh, Donald-"

"I thought I told you to call me Master on Tuesdays, and Donald on Fridays, because that's when everything is casual!"

"Oh, yeah....sorry....Anyway, I'm sure you won't die in the next four years, you're a very healthy orange, so you should be fine."

"It could happen...."

After a few minutes of thinking, the Donald finally came up with a solution to his problem.

"I'll get myself cloned. I need it done as soon as possible!"

Melania looked at him, clearly confused.

"Well, what will you do with him if you don't die?"

"I can get rid of him like I'll get rid of the Muslims (a/n I apologise if that was viewed as racist, I'm just trying to make trump as realistic as possible)."

"That's a great idea!"

The Donald smiled. He called for his top worker, Marta.


She shuffled into his gigantic bedroom.

"Oh, yes, Mr. Supreme Leader Sir?"

"Contact the country's top science people."

"As you wish."

She bowed to him and walked out. A few minutes later, she came back in with the phone.

"Mr. Supreme Leader Sir, they wish to talk to you to know what you want."

He held out his hand, and she placed the phone on his palm.

"Hello? This is the Donald."

"Hello, Mr. President, your worker called saying you needed something?"

"I want you to clone me."

"But, that could be incredibly dangerous!"

"So? Clone me!"

"It may not work!"

"I don't care! Just clone me!"

The scientist sighed.

"Okay. I'll be at the White House tomorrow."

"No! Come today!"


"Not buts!"

Donald hung up on the scientist and threw the phone at Marta.

"Get out, Peasant!" He shouted.

Marta mumbled something and walked out of the room.

"So disrespectful, can you believed that, Melania?"

"Some people just don't have respect for supreme leaders such as yourself." Melania tssked.

*a few hours later*

"Maaarrrrtaa, when will the scientists be here?"

"They should be here in a moment, Mr. Trump Sir."


A few minutes later, Marta walked in the room with a man following her. The man had lots of sciencey looking shit, so the Donald knew this would work out.

"Ahh, Mr. President, its nice to meet you, I'm-"

"Shut up and clone me, goddammit."

"Uh, okay... Open your mouth."

"Why? So you can put
your dick down my throat? Sorry, I'm not like that."

The scientist rolled his eyes.

"Look, I need some DNA, so I am going to have to take a sample of your saliva, and if you don't let me do that, I can't clone you."


Donald opened his mouth and the scientist used a cotton swab to collect some saliva.

"Okay, that was really all I needed to do. I'll be back with your clone later."

"You have a maximum of two hours to make him."

The scientist rolled his eyes again and walked out without responding.

"Melania, I can't wait to meet the clone. I have a feeling he's going to change things for everyone."

Cloned (A Donald Trump Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now