Chapter 4

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Early the next morning, I'm still in the lounge watching tv. I couldn't get any sleep after last night. Harry and I had a tiff and there's a girl in my bed.

It's not what it sounds like.

I should probably let Arden sleep off that major hangover that she's bound to have. It's weird to think that the girl whose 'friends' have been bullying me for years has now become someone I'm taking care of. How did I even get myself into this mess? At least I stopped Matthew before it went too far. I need to keep tabs on Arden though, I'm afraid he'll try something again. You never know.

I check my watch. 5:03 AM - Tuesday - May 20th; 2016. I forgot it was a school day today. Wow - go, me! Luckily classes only start at 08:30. Shit. Arden! How am I supposed to get her cleaned up and ready for school? I don't even know where she lives.

My thoughts are interrupted by two things: humming and the smell of coffee. Grandma must be up. Not a minute later, she's sauntering into the lounge carrying a tray and singing softly, "Good morning, Starshine~ The Earth says hello." She pecks my forehead and hands me a cup, "You didn't sleep a wink last night, did you dear?"

Sipping the coffee, I shake my head. The richness clears my mind and suddenly I feel fine again. "I don't blame you, I would be up all night too. You must have been worried," she sits down in the plushy red wingback chair next to mine. I'm not even surprised that she knows about last night, nothing gets past her. She must have talked to Dad before he went to sleep. He always brings her her evening tea and chats before bed.

I nod, "Yeah, I don't know what to do. We have school today and she sure as hell can't go looking like that." I nod my head to the ceiling. Gran chuckles lightly, "I can't tell you how many times I ended up crashing at a friend's house after a party when I was your age." I shoot her an amused look before my dad walks in.
"And how are my two favourite girls doing this fine morning? Feeling a little nervous about dealing with the one upstairs?" he raises a playful eyebrow.
"Nervous? Understatement of the century," I sigh. Just then, we hear a thud above us. Perfect timing. "That's my cue," I down my coffee and get up, readying myself for what's coming. "Good luck," the fam raise their cups to wish me well. Dad even does the Hunger Games whistle. Sometimes I think he's a bigger dork than I am.
Once upstairs, I realise that the noise I heard wasn't Arden but Joshua. I peek into his room, "What are you up to, Monkey?" He's in his cape again and perching like a gargoyle on his top bunk bed. "I'm in training to fly, of course," he says matter-of-factly. Cheeky bastard. I wonder where he got that from.

"Well, you're waking up half the city," I answer and swoop over to pick him up, swinging him upside down. He giggles uncontrollably and hooks his legs over my shoulders, "Weeeeee!" He then stops wriggling, "That reminds me. I have to wee."
"Not on me, you don't!" quickly setting him down, I step aside as he zooms past me making aeroplane noises.

I remember why I'm up here and quietly make my way to the end of the hallway to my room and open the door slowly. To be honest, I was a little amused at what I found: Arden sleeping with half her limbs draping off the side of the bed. Her mouth is open slightly and her ridiculously long lashes are brushing her cheeks. Wisps of hair surround her features. The light of the city falls perfectly through the window, outlining her collarbones, neck and cheeks. I glane at my mirror to find a crooked smile tugging at my lips. It turns into a confused expression instantly, what the fuck?

Walking over, I whisper, "Wake up, Sleepy head." The girl in my bed shifts slightly, making a cute sniffing sound. Then her eyes flutter open to reveal twinkling green irises with beautiful emerald rings around the edges. She stretches, but serenity is short lived. Starting upright and staring at me, she croaks urgently, "What, where am I?" She looks around at my bed and jumps out of it, "Holy shit- We didn't- Uh- Did we?" 

I'm not sure, but I think I know what she's implying, "No- Why would I? Uh- No way." Arden is a real puzzle, I don't have her figured out just yet. 

"What happened last night?" She's picking up her high heels now and running her fingers through her bedhead. I notice her wristbands; they're rose gold charm bracelets. Her black shirt is wrinkled and one of the sleeves is shifted off her shoulder from sleeping. I lean over and fix it, "We were at the party and you were really drunk. Matthew was being a dickwhen you were dancing and didn't want to kiss him, so he turned aggressive. I carried you out and you just," I shrug, "passed out." 

Arden tilts her head, "Thank you, but why would you help me like that-? I thought you'd hate me since I hang out with Saphira." 

"No, I actually think you're pretty cool," I quickly fix my sentence, "Not that I know you well or anything-" After a slightly awkward pause and a small smile from Arden I continue with the next order of business, "Where do you live? We need to get you home so you can be ready for school."
"1024 Lancaster Drive," she answers. I'm surprised at how completely okay she seems for someone who was deathly drunk not 6 hours ago. 

"That's like, 12 blocks away. We'll have to pass the school though," I take a look at her. I have no bloody idea how she's getting past her parents looking that partied up.
"Let's get going then," I grab her handbag, swinging it from my pinky, "Don't go forgetting this."
She takes it, "Thanks!" Then we were off. 

  * * *

Everything is quiet when I pull up to her house. Leaves are sprinkled over every driveway but hers, Mrs Darbyshire must run a tight ship. The trees are all perfectly trimmed and the white double storey house is decorated with a stunning canopy over the door trimmed with wrought-iron pillars. Steps lead up to the door with potted plants on either side. Right across the street from it was the great Lake Lancaster, glistening in the dawn light.

The beauty of the house made me slightly embarrassed to be living in the building manager's condo in an apartment building. 

"Are you going to be all right in there?" 

Arden runs a hand through her hair, her expression turning blue for a second, "Yeah, it'll be fine." She opens her door and starts to slide out before smiling back at me, "Thanks for everything," she pecks my cheek, "I owe you one."

She closes the door and walks up to her house. My cheeks are flushed and my heartbeat is rising. I must have caught a cold. 

Before she can reach it, the white door swings open forcefully. I can't see who's on the other side because they yank Arden in by the collar and slam the door shut. Now I hear a woman's voice yelling, barely audible through the thick walls and my car window. I feel my hand flying to the door handle to get out and help her; make sure she's okay. I stop myself. It's none of my business. She's a teenager who came home in last night's clothes after a party. Her parents are bound to be furious.

Clenching my jaw, I start the engine. Clutch. First gear. Gas. Foot off brakes. We have takeoff.
Fuck yes I'm ready to get my own car, all I need is a real license. 

It's still gnawing at me, leaving Arden there. Maybe I should have stayed. Helped. "It's none of your business," I mutter to myself, just to be sure. I turn up the radio and drive home. The day ahead is still long, and what a way to start it.

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