Chapter 9

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I feel like everyone is staring at me. It's weird, I noticed it yesterday but I thought I was just imagining it - but now I'm sure. More and more people are stealing glances, talking in hushed voices. At first I'm not sure what the hell it's about, but then a freshman came up to me between second and third period. She was hunched over her books, chewing on her lip. She stopped me in the hall and pulled me aside into a gap between the rows of lockers.

"Is it true?" She asked me, looking like she's discussing military secrets.

I mimicked her hushed tone, leaning in too, "Is what true?"

She looked to see if anyone was listening, "Did you really, really beat up Matthew Royce?"

I still can't decide whether it was awe, admiration or shock in her voice.

"Well... Yeah," I answer her question, furrowing my brows. This must be why I went from zero to hero overnight.

She wheezed a "cool" and sped off, back into the river of mindless pupils.

Her question was asked more and more during the day, and I'm starting to feel a little self-conscious. I never wanted to be That Girl who Messed With Matthew ™.

Just when I think things can't get any worse, I run into Matthew's pack of ab-obsessed assholes near the end of the day. They were waiting for me at my locker.

They've already spotted me, but what do I do? Do I turn around and speed off or do I woman up and face the music? Just when I decide they're not worth a fight and I'm about to go the other way, a hand clasps onto my shoulder. I stop dead in my tracks. Someone's damp, hot breath clings to my neck.

"Going somewhere, Cupcake?"

Well shit.

"Matthew, always a pleasure," I take his hand and lift it off my shoulder, turning on my heel to see him behind me, "If you don't mind, I think I'll be going now."

I duck past him, but he's too fast, "Oh no, you're not."

My arm is in a death grip. He twists it to turn me to him, revelling in my pain.

He looks down into my eyes, his teeth snarling atteeth daring me like a hungry panther wouldto try and run.

"We have something to straighten out."

My face remains stony and cold, determined not to give him the satisfaction of cowering under his gaze. "Oh, yeah? What might that be?"

His cronies are closing in, ready to pounce.

"You humiliated me the other night, and I can't let that happen. People are starting to question my strength."

'Question his strength'? Who does this ape think he is, Hercules?

"Listen, if I hurt your fragile little ego go to the nurse's office and get a plaster; but I'm not going to apologise."

"Apologise?" He laughs and looks around at his audience, but it takes them a while to catch on and laugh. Numbnuts. "Who said anything about apologising? No," He shoves me into a row of lockers, the dials digging into my back. With his free arm resting above my head, he leans in close and snarls, "I want you to suffer."

Two of the gonads behind him crack their knuckles and the other three smile menacingly. They're all looking at me, their puny little brains are probably numb from actually paying attention. Matthew pulls his fist back to strike and suddenly someone grabs it, jumping onto his back and taking him into a choke hold. He lets go of me to grab his attacker and I take the opportunity to speed past him. I turn to look at whoever just saved me. Matthew's boys are prying her off his back and she squirms out of their grip.


"Come on, run!" She grabs my arm and we rush to the doors.

Matthew yells after us, "I'll get you, you dykes!"

We're in the clear; Arden is in the passenger seat of my pickup. I turn the keys in the ignition and the car roars. Before taking off, I turn to look at her. "Thank you." Nods, holding her hand in front of her mouth uncomfortably. "Wait, what've you got there?" I lean over to her and gently move her fingers to see her split lip. Blood is starting to gather in the new crevice. "Oh my god, Arden! Was it those goons? I'm so sorry!" I'm fussing over her now, holding her head with one hand.

"One of them must have played rough, it's okay, really," she starts to smile, wincing a little as the sore skin stretches, "Let's get going."

"Where to?" I pull out of the school parking lot.

"Your house?"

"Sounds good."

* * *

"You know, running from Matthew is starting to become a habit of ours," Arden says, leaning back on my headboard.

I crack a crooked smile, sitting across from her on my bed. "Thanks again, but how did you know? You showed up at just the right time."

She shrugs, running a hand through her perfect hair, "I was looking for you."

I furrow my brows slightly, "How come?"

"I wanted to see you," she shifts to sit cross-legged, slouching forward. Her face is only a ruler's length from mine and that strange feeling is starting to well up in my chest again. I guess I'm not sick after all.

"Yeah?" I look down and fiddle with a loose thread on the hem of her canvas sneakers.

"Yeah," her hand cups my jaw, her thumb gliding over my cheek and lingering next to my lips.

"Are you going to kiss me?" My eyes find hers. I chew my bottom lip in anticipation. Everything is moving so fast. I had no idea she was gay, let alone into me. Is she into me? God, I don't know.

"Is that okay?" Her other hand rests on my thigh, its gentle touch electric.


Everything seems to slow down as we move closer and close our eyes. As our lips meet I hold her by the waist and pull her to me gently, taking in the sweetness of her kiss.

We part and I cock my head to the one side, "I always did find girls with split lips attractive."

Harry's just going to love this.

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