Chapter 5

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On the drive home I stop at Wadeview Park. It's right next to Boone High School, where Arden, Harry and I go. Not getting out of the car, I lean my head against the window and look out at the birds and they look at me. The sky seems to be torn open, light seeping through the brightly stained clouds.
Turning my head, I notice an old man sitting alone at a chess table near where the birds are. He seems to be playing by himself, so I go and sit down across from him and offer my hand to shake his, "Dakota Aldrin."

He looks up and adjusts his glasses, then shakes my hand, "Joel Nelson."
Joel sets up the chess board, white on my side. "You start," he says, a smile creasing the skin around his eyes.

* * *Home is everything but quiet. Dad is hammering another nail into the wall and Joshua and Gran are watching TV, screaming at Dora that Explorer that Swiper is going to steal the map.
My room is surprisingly clean, except for the makeup stains Arden left on my pillow. When I strip off the pillowcase, I see a jacket sticking out from under the covers. Picking it up, I realise it must be Arden's. It's denim with some hipster badges sowed on, little embroidered Nirvana smileys, anchors, a peach etc. It's kinda cute. She must have forgotten it here in the morning's confusion.
I put it in my bag to give to her later, I just don't know when. I'll never be able to catch her alone at school, Saphira will be lurking.

***Harry stops me outside our homeroom, pulling me into the broom closet. "Be careful, someone's gonna think we're making out in here," I hide my nerves with sarcasm.
"Haha," he rolls his eyes. "What was up with you last night? You were being super weird," Dark rings curl around his eyes and his hair is messed up big time. He must have a headache because he keeps rubbing his forehead.
"Sorry, I was panicking and I took it out on you," I say after a long pause. Shuffling uncomfortable and avoiding his gaze, I continue, "Matthew was preying on Arden."
His expression softens, "Oh. What did you do? Is she okay?"
"Yeah she's fine. I pulled her off of him and let her sleep it off at my house."
He pulls me into a hug and I hug back. Then I pull away and wiggle my eyebrows, "So what's his naaame?"
He shimmies and smiles, "Isaac, he plays the guitar."
"Approved. Now let's get out of here, it smells like Clorox."
We open the door to a hallway of kids who don't even turn to look. It comes in handy being invisible sometimes.

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