Chapter 8

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About twenty minutes later, I finally pick up my doughnut and lift it to my lips - and it's exactly then that my phone rings. Groaning, I set down the sugary sin and look at my phone screen. It's an unknown number.

"A random is calling me," I tell Harry, my finger hovering over the green button.

"An unknown number?" He thinks for a bit, then snaps his fingers at remembering, "Oh yeah, I gave this girl at the party your number. I was looking for you after you ran off, and she said she was looking for you too. Then she asked for your number. You don't mind, do you?"

I give him a look that could kill and he just says, "So you do mind..."

The phone rings for the third time. Only about 15 seconds before it goes to voicemail.

"And what, exactly, did this stranger look like that you trusted with my number?" I ask.

"Well, she was Persian, had dark hair, medium height and it looked like she had a dainty little finger tattoo," he says. "I think she mentioned that she knows you but to be honest I don't remember. Blame it on the vodka."
"Nicole? You gave my number to Nicole?" I retort, clicking 'ignore call' and setting down my phone.

"Yeah, what's the big deal? You know her, right? Why didn't you answer?"

"It's complicated." It's simple. I don't want to think about my past.

Just when I've taken a bite of my doughnut, the phone rings again. I reach out to reject the call when Harry grabs it and mouths, "Answer!"

I shake my head, but he accepts the call anyway and pushes the phone to my ear. Grasping it, I glare at him and wait for the caller to speak.

"Hello? Is this Dakota?" That's Nicole's voice.

I swallow and answer, "Oh, hey, Nicole! Sorry for taking so long to answer, I was uh... doing homework."

Harry mouths, 'liar' and I mimic him, still a little fed up with him.

"What's up?"

"Homework? Still the same old diligent Kota I knew in middle school, aren't you?" Nicole chuckles lightly, "I was calling to ask when we could hang out. It's been forever, and I'd love to catch up. When would work for you?"

She sounds so sweet and kind that I actually feel bad for shrugging her off earlier. After a moment's hesitation, I decide to take a leap out of my comfort zone, "How about tomorrow after school?" I look around, trying to figure out where the best place to meet would be. My eyes land on the sign on the window of the bakery we're in, "We could meet at Sugar Divas Cakery, it's right by my flat."

"Sounds good. See you then," she says. Before I can hang up, she adds, "Oh, and Dakota? Say hi to Joshua and your dad for me."

"Will do." I have no intention to, "See you."

"See you!"

The call ends and I take a huge mouthful, having to slap Harry's hand away from my food first. I throw my head back and groan, in case he didn't already know I was in social agony.

He's laughing now, "What the hell was that crap about homework? You haven't done a single page of homework since I met you."

"Oh, shut it. I never would have had to make up that stupid lie if it wasn't for you. I had the perfect out last night; I could have been in the clear by now. Granted, it was an unfortunate out, but a good one," I put Nicole's number into my phone. If you can't beat them...

"I don't get it, what is this big thing from your past weighing you down?" He looks genuinely concerned now, offering me his hand.

I loop my pinky finger through his, staying quiet and chewing on the inside of my cheek.

He gets up and pulls me to my feet, "Come on, let's go talk this out."


"Shit, Dakota, that sucks! I'm sorry that had to happen to you. God, I wish I could kick her ass!" Harry's getting all worked up now. We're huddled away in a fort we built up on my roof. There's this place where the roof extends over the rest of the platform right in front of my window where we made a little hideout. It just feels more like our space than anywhere else.

"Yeah, it does," I play with his hands, my head resting in his lap.

"I get why you don't want to relive that," he pushes a strand of hair behind my ear, "I'm here if you ever want to talk about it some more. I had no idea you went through something like that." He leans down to kiss my forehead, "You're one of the good ones, kid." 

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