Star Hands

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Title: Star Hands. 

Author: I_Is_Sodi

Genre: Action, sci-fi. 

Summary: Constellations, oceans, flames... Hundreds of years ago creatures of terror ruled the world and humans hid in terror. Until one day, a king brought the power of the stars, the seas, and fire into three different tribes under his subjection; Lavish, Banodi, and Naish. These three tribes would fight to end the horror caused by these monsters and bring the earth back into control of humans.

No one knows what happened or how he was able to accomplish this momentous task. No one knows if those three tribes won their battle but one tattered, water stained document brings forth a prophecy that was to be revealed only by one worthy. When found this prophecy would give insight into this hidden time period of human life but, also a warning with far reaching consequences.

History books do not tell you of this history for many do not know it themselves. A history so hidden and, so protected that only the chosen would be granted access to it. The chosen being those destined to play a part in a repetition of this long forgotten period of human turmoil.

Rating: PG mild swearing, mild violence

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