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I just want to sleep

Forever and ever

Until everything is ok again

I want silence

Where my heart isn't screaming

That it's dying

I want peace

For this raging panic in my heart

To vanish

Eternal sleep will help

He said I'm sick

That I'm not natural

But what part of me?

I'm healthy physically aren't I?

There isn't anything wrong

But on the inside...

I'm damaged and unwanted

All because I'm a girl who likes girls

My brother thinks I'm sick

Am i?

What's wrong with me??

The sleep will save me

I'm going to sleep soon

As soon as I finish this letter

Explains what's wrong with me

And how I'm going to fix it


Thoughts are ConstellationsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ