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I got a 90% on my math final yesterday!! I really needed a good grade on it or else I would have failed the class. BTW when a college professor gives you a review for the final exam DO THE REVIEW. My magh exam had almost the exact same problems as the review and I have been working on the review for three hours before which means I memorized the answers. This means i'' officially out of school for Christmas break.

I think a couple of my friends are bored with me. One of them (imma call him CS) has been a very good friend of mine for a while now and we talk a lot. We frequently skype and laugh at weird porn together. I thought it was a really good thing we had going on. But now he barely talks to me anymore and when we do it's kinda awkward. If he doesn't want to be friends with me anymore I would rather he tell me then expect me to take a hint cause i'm pretty clueless.

My dog Max is a 14 year old chocolate lab and I love him to death. Chocolate Labs are only supposed to live to be about 10 before their time is up so my dog is really old. He has severe arthritis in his hips, back, and back legs but he had pain medicine to help. The medicine isn't working anymore and we were going to have to have him put down but the Vet managed to find aomething to help. He has to have weekly shots and pills just so he can walk again but in my eyes it's worth it.

My twin brother had to have a crown put on the other day and it cost $1165. The money that was spent to pay for it came from our Christmas budget so now we can't afford to have Christmas this year. Christmas has always been my favorite time of year so this is honestly really messing me up right now but i'm trying not to think about it.

I don't cry every night because of you anymore. Sure, there are still moments where something reminds me of you and it causes me go break a little more but they're getting less frequent. It doesn't hurt any less but i think i'm down crying for now. I still plan on giving you my favorite hat if/when I go. I'm going to give you my hat and the rest of the scattered pieces of my heart. You still have it by the way and I kind of want it back now. It was never yours to take and it wasn't my place to let you have it. I'm sorry I caused so much pain between you guys. I'm sorry I was never good enough to keep you around. I'm sorry I ever responded to your question about who owned my heart. I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'm sorry...

Thoughts are ConstellationsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz