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"Dude, I lost my phone again."

Meet Lindsey, she's always losing her phone.

"So? What do you want me to do about it?"

Meet Tom, her sarcastic best friend.

"Come help me find it." Lindsey likes to say it like Tom is under some obligation to help her find her missing phone. He is also the friend that gets drag to help Lindsey find her phone.

"No." Tom always says no whenever Lindsey asks him to help her look for her missing phone.

"Pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease," Lindsey begs. She always has to beg for Tom to help her.

"No." Tom likes to see her beg so he keeps saying no to her.

"C'mon man," Lindsey says. In this part, Lindsey would use her puppy dog eyes at Tom.

"No." It doesn't help much.

"C'mooooon maaaan..." Lindsey says, throwing her head back and shaking Tom's arm, thinking it'll help her make Tom say yes.

"No." It doesn't.

"Pleeeeeeease." Lindsey continues to beg.

"Why?" Tom asked. A smirk escaping his lips. Because he knows what's Lindsey's going to say next.

"Because," Lindsey started in an exasperated tone, "you are the wise, and magnificent, and good looking Tom. Whom God has carefully hand made to perfection and has bestowed upon this world to help enlighten us all." She says all this enlaced with sarcasm then she looks at Tom hopefully.

Tom pretends to mule this over while tapping his finger on his chin. He looks at Lindsey then at the sky then at Linsey again.

Lindsey starts to panic in her head. Maybe I shouldn't have said that with evident sarcasm. Now his not going to help me. She thinks inside her head. She always thinks this every time she asks for Tom to help her find her phone.

Tom doesn't really mind that Lindsey had said it with sarcasm. He just likes to hear her say it because he knows it pains her to say it to him. And besides, he likes to look at Lindsey visibly panic in front of him while she waits for his next answer.

"Hmmm..." he continues on pretending on thinking it through. But in reality, he already made up his mind. "Since you said that..." he likes to see her in agony. "Fine, I'll help you look for your stupid phone," he said caving in. He always caves in.

"Oh thankyouthankyouthankyou," Lindsey said hugging Tom tightly.

"Let go," Tom grunted. He doesn't like being hugged tightly.

As they entered Lindsey's home through the back door leading into the kitchen, Tom starts to look around.

"Why did we use your back door?" Tom asks, looking inside the fridge, moving things around as he do so. You'd think it's a weird place to look for a phone inside a fridge, but you'll never know.

"Because..." Lindsey says, then letting out a groan as she ducks down to look under the table. "... I don't really know why. I just felt like it, I guess," she finishes, standing straight now. Tom just raises his eyebrows and let out a sigh and continues to look in the cupboards and drawers.

"Have you tried calling it?" Tom asks as he threw the pillows and cushions from the sofa in the living room.

"It's on silent," Lindsey answers from the laundry room. She rid the laundry basket of dirty clothes and threw them onto the floor. Tom let out a loud groan that Lindsey could hear from where she is.

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