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Crunch. Crunch. Crunch. Crunch.

Every time she takes a step (or more appropriately, stomp) the snow beneath her feet made a crunching sound. She rubs her red nose with her mitten covered hand because firstly, it's really cold and secondly, she's just fresh from crying because they have just broken up. She digs her chin into her scarf and puts her hands back into the pockets of her jacket. It's snowing really hard and she's trying not to cry while walking. And she isn't really sure if the shitty weather is affecting her emotionally or it's just the break up.

She suddenly stops on her tracks and turns around and walks the opposite direction she was taking a few seconds ago making a few people bump into her. She's going to the park, it's 13? Maybe 15 blocks away? She isn't really entirely sure how far it is from where she is now. But she's going there now, no matter how bad the weather will get.

"I'm really sorry but..."

"But what?"

She's walking faster now.

"I... I think we should break up."

Even faster now.


Much faster.

"I think we should break up..."

She's practically running by now. She's wishing she could just fly her way to the park.

She should've known it from the start, when Tom texted her to meet up with him at Starbucks. At fucking Starbucks. It was so predictable of him, that's why she should have known. Besides the fact that she and Tom hadn't been in a single coffee shop in a long while now and the fact that Tom had once told her that coffee shops are– or in this case, Starbucks– the perfect place to break up with someone. But she forgot about that because she was too preoccupied thinking that they were going to make up with each other. A lot of good that did her.

"But why?"

"Because all we do this days is fight."

"That's not true."

"Yes. Yes it is."

"No, it's not!"

"Look, we're arguing right now. Even when we're breaking up we're fighting."

She's in the park now, it's already buried in snow. The pond in the middle of the park where the ducks and frogs swim, already has a thin layer of ice on it but isn't safe yet to skate or walk on. She's the only person in the park right now. She walks towards the pond but stays away from it at a five feet distance.

"FUCK YOUUUU!!!" She screams looking up as a scarce group of bird flies up at the thick dark clouds. She hopes that Tom would hear it. She let her self fall, the snow softening her landing reasonably. "Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. I hate you and I hope you step on a fucking Lego." She doesn't really hate him. Angry? Yes. Well, maybe she does hate him, he did just broke up with her. Then again, she might just be confusing anger with hatred. "I hate you and I really hope you step on a Lego and hit your shin on a corner of something really hard." Then she cries.

She cries for a while then she sobs and she cries again. She closes her eyes tight and lifted her right arm and puts it over her eyes. Her clear, watery snot together with her tears slides coolly on her cheeks. Right now, she's thinking that she should just die and let the snow burry her.


"Do you mean cool off?" She asked after they settled down a bit. They've done this before maybe they're just doing it again.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Oct 17, 2015 ⏰

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