Alternate universe

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Do you know about that alternate universe theory? It says that there's this infinite number of parallel universes where alternate scenarios happens. Where 'what ifs' occurs. So just keep thinking about that.

So right now, in this universe that we are living, we're not meant to be. No matter what we do we would not end up in each other's arms. We will never get married. We will never have kids. In this universe we are in now, no matter how many life times we live we will never end up with each other. But maybe we will always be friends despite everything that has happened between us.

But, there's this alternate universe, no matter how preposterous it may seem, we are still dating. I'm still allowed to hold your hands and kiss it. A universe where we still sleep in the trunk of my pickup huddled in a blanket. A different cosmos where we still watch tacky sci-fi movies and make fun of it. There's this alternate universe where we get married and have two lovely little girls and a handsome baby boy. There's this universe were we grow old together.

But there's also this universe where we have never crossed paths. Where we have never even met each other. A universe where we never even bothered to be friends. A universe where you never got that playlist that i made for your birthday as a gift that you kept on loop for weeks. An alternate universe where we only met once and shared a passive smile on a train ride and never again saw each other.

So, maybe when we sleep and when we dream about still holding each other's hand maybe we still are, somewhere in that vast unknown place. A dream where we got married and are playing with our kids and pets. Maybe it's not really a dream. Maybe those are glimpses of scenes that we see happening in an alternate universe. Maybe there's this some form of telepathic connection that we have with our other selves from other universes that allows us, even if it's just ephemeral, to see those bitterly sweet and beautiful moments.

So, if ever you are sad thinking about how we are not meant to be, how we're not compatible with each other. Just think about all those infinite alternate universes. A cosmos somewhere, where we still look at each other in the eyes with passion and a never dying spark. Where we are still together. A universe where maybe's and other might have been's happens. Because, maybe there is one. And it's not so wrong to hope that it does exist.

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