im bad at giving titles

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He's a prick. He's a fucking prick, that's what he is.

Milo is thinking about his best friend.

Always dragging me to this kid of things.

He's talking about the party his currently in right now.

How many times do i have to tell him that it's not my thing?

He is currently holding a plastic cup that we probably know is containing beer.

Fucking asshole.

He finishes his drink and gets himself another one. He has know idea where his best friend is right now. His betting his probably making out with some girl he just met.

"Woah, easy there, you don't wanna break the thing do you?" someone said from behind him.

"What?" he said turning around to look at the owner of the voice. He was grasping very tightly on the hose, as if it was his best friend's neck and he was strangling it.

"Sorry, didn't mean anything by that," the girl said, putting both of her hands up in surrender, one hand was a holding a similar cup to his.

Milo is confuse for a while, then he realizes that he was still glaring at her. So he changes it to a passive expression and apologizes to the girl.

"It's okay," the girl said as Milo gives way to the girl as she feels her cup. "What? Someone's being a dick to you in here?" she asks facing him and bringing the cup to her lips.

Milo contemplates for a while whether or not it's her business. He's really not the sociable type of person. But he had a couple of drinks which probably lead to him to say the next couple of words.

"Yeah, my friend forced me to come to this shitty thing and now I can't even find him," he says and takes a sip from his cup.

"Well his a dick then," the girl said. She proceeded to look at her toes wondering what to say next, when Milo spoke up.

"What is this party even for? I mean I don't even personally know whoever is throwing this party," Milo said then gulping the rest of his drink.

"I think it's for Mark's girlfriend's birthday. This is Mark's house, I don't personally know him either but one of my friends does so i just tag along with them," she answered him then she looked around the place.

They were at Mark's backyard. It was spacious. There were plant boxes lining the outside of the house, it was wide, people were in a group talking or playing ping-pong (inside they were playing beer pong). There was a small bonfire with a couple of people huddled around it while the others were swimming or playing in the pool. Milo thought it was pretty impressive, but he was drunk so everything seems pretty impressive to him.

"I'm Molly," the girl said while the she traces circles with the tip of her shoes.

"What?" Milo said, returning his attention back at her. He was looking at the couple of guys playing ping-pong.

"I'm Molly," she repeated looking at him this time with a smile.

"Milo," Milo said to Molly not bothering on returning his smile.

Milo is beginning to think that his being kind of a dick to her. But he doesn't really care. So what if his a dick? People have called him a dick before and his pretty okay with it. He just doesn't people all that much.



Molly is laughing at something that one of her friends said. She's on full on snorting.

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