Patricia The Stripper

19 0 0

"Hey wanna go to club later tonight?" his friend Greg asked him, lighting a cigarette.

They were on coffee break. They've got about twenty minutes then it's time to get back to work.

"Nah, I don't think so man," he said taking a drag from his own cigarette.

"C'mon man, why the hell not?" Greg said turning to face him.

"Because..." he trailed. He didn't really have a good reason why.

"C'mon, the holidays are coming. This'll be like the last time we'd be able to hang out 'til we come back to work," Greg pressed.


"I tell you what, it'll be my treat," Greg said, throwing his cigarette down the gutter then rubbing his shoe on it just for good measure.

"O-oh, it'll be your treat?" now it was time for him to ask the questions. He was surprised. When yesterday Greg made him pay for his drink.

"Yeah man," Greg answered.

"Really? What? Someone rich in your family just died and dedicated a whole will to you or something?" He asked skeptically. He couldn't wrap his mind around it.

"C'mon man, just come."

"It'll be your treat?" he asked, just making sure.


"And your sure of it?"

"Yes, I'm sure of it. Are you coming or what?"

"Okay I'll come. But it better be your treat." he agreed.

He still couldn't believe it. Greg. Of all people. Fucking Greg is treating him. It doesn't sound quite right. Stingy Greg, who refuses to contribute on tips whenever he joins him for lunch is treating him. And what makes it even more amazing is that he volunteered. No one had to pressure him to do it.

"We should get back to work," Greg said, looking at his watch.

"You're really sure it's your treat?" he pressed, just to make sure again.

"Yeah, now quit asking me whether I'm sure or not. I might change my mind and it'll be all your fault," Greg said as they enter the building.

"Okay, okay I'm sorry," he said, with a smile and shaking his head in disbelief.

"Hey guys, guess who's joining us tonight?" Greg said while wrapping his arm around his shoulders.

"Alright!" One of the guys said in approval.

"Sweet, James is coming," another one said. There were a couple more whoops here and there.

"Alright, guys no need to be excited about it," he said, raising his hands up to his chest signifying for them to stop. "The only reason I'm coming is because Greg-" he didn't get to finish his sentence because Greg has decided to nudge him on his side pretty hard making him bend down a little and feel his side. "What was that for?" he hissed at Greg.

"Don't tell them that I'm treating you," Greg whispered, not looking at him. Everybody was looking at them, still waiting for James to finish his sentence.

"Why the hell not?" James asked confuse.

"Because," Greg started as if he was talking to a five year old, "if they found out I'm treating you, then they'll force me to treat them too. And before you know it I'll be treating everyone," he finished, this time he was looking at James.

They were whispering the whole time with each other so the others were a little bit confuse in what was going on.

"Never mind everybody, just go back to work," James said noticing this.

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