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Truth be told I realised I had not so friendly feelings for you long before I did anything.
I remember that awful feeling when you were with someone, especially when you claimed you didn't want to be with him. I claimed that it was just cause you found yourself in an awful situation.
Then it happened when you talked about people. You said you really liked her. I wondered why I felt like I did. I claimed that I just liked you as a friend, and I hadn't had a best friend in a while. I had to relearn. Or so I told myself. I blatantly ignored that I wasn't having these conflictions with any other of my friends.
Then I just gave up. I liked you, but it didn't matter there is no way you would like me back.
Besides you came to our other friend and me in strict confidence that you happened to like the third member of our group. That was the worst.
I was forced to endure you trying to obtain her attention in the same that she had yours. If you guys had gotten together I would've probably left the group. But you didn't.
For me it became a I won't ask about your crush because I don't want to tell mine, which is very difficult for a nosey person like me.
Then that fateful day came.
The first time our friends said ship in regards to us. I wanted them to shut up and never utter such a thing again.
It made feel so much worse whenever they talked about how cute we would be and all I could think is that they were kinda rubbing in what I couldn't have.
But then you started differently, in a good way of course. And you ended up liking me back.

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