ex-best friend

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"tell me about her"
"She was different. She is probably the smartest person I've ever met and yet not. A lot of people thought she was too serious but she did laugh and she was goofy it was just she had to be comfortable. She acted so focused but it was sometimes fake and she got herself in dumb situations. She was kinda shy. Especially when it came to strangers. In class she probably spoke the most. I guess thats where we were really different."
"what do you mean"
"Well I find comfort in strangers, people you'll never see again. If you mess up its not going to change anything. It's people you know that you have to be careful with cause if your mask slips- well never mind.
I think my favorite memory with her was us just talking on the playground she said something about me in second grade and at that moment I figured that she knew me best of all. It's hard to pick a least favorite because there were so many, especially in that last year. Now I wonder if we would have crashed the way we did if I just went to another school or if we just would've faded apart. I think I knew we weren't going to be friends forever but I didn't want to give that piece of my childhood up yet."

Poems From Junior YearDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora