8 - Zero to Hero

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Eights Months Prior

The Kogane Cave breached the otherwise forested Shira Forest. The forest was named after the beloved ninja of the nearby people who saved it with her water ninjutsu from a terrible fire. The Kogane Cave gained its name because of the plentiful golden stalactites and stalagmites within the cave. Peace settled upon the travelers who walked through the forest, some stopping to admire the raised rock that suddenly appeared in the middle of the forest, but most just continued on their way, oblivious to what was happening within its stone walls.

"Sentou!" The man who had cried out wore a dark green shirt with the sleeves rolled all the way up and blue pants. He stepped forward, his sandaled foot making a slight thud. His darker green hair fell in spikes over his face, slightly obscuring his vision. But it didn't make what he saw any different.

"Stay back," the one named Sentou snapped. He, like the other man, had dark green eyes and even darker green hair. He wore a dark brown jacket left open with a mesh shirt under it, black pants, and ninja shoes. In his hand was a short sword, waving in the air as he tried to stay loose.

It didn't seem to be helping him against his current opponent like it usually did, though. The person before him was clocked, making both their gender and their appearance unknown. Sentou was just slightly taller than the other person, but that was all that Sentou could tell.

The men and women around them in the cavern cried for blood, eager to see their great leader slay the person who dared show up randomly on their territory and challenge their boss to a battle for leadership. They hadn't given their name, nor had they even spoken once since they told the person they wanted to challenge Sentou. Despite hearing their voice, the person who had been spoken to had said they couldn't remember the sound of it. For some reason it just slipped the man's mind.

"Defeat this loser, Sentou!" one of the women of the crowd called, followed by similar cries.

Sentou sent them confident smirks despite the worry that had begun to grow within him. The man or woman he was fighting was obviously skilled, using nothing but a kunai to fend him off for as long as they had.

Before Sentou could deliver another strike, the person darted forward, using the kunai to push the short sword out of the way and kicking him in the chest. With a grunt, he stumbled back. Sending a glare at the person, he charged, pressing them back with a flurry of blows, recalling all the things he'd learned as a Leaf Shinobi. It had been years since he became rogue, but his abilities stayed with him. Was that what his opponent was as well? It would explain their skill.

Sentou lost track of the number of times they engaged in similar matches, but his arms quickly grew sore and his mind foggy with exhaustion. Pain flared in the dozen of cuts along his flesh from lucky strikes his opponent had gotten in. Other than the lucky strikes, the two seemed absolutely even.

They disengaged, heaving for air. Sentou placed his hands on his knees, resting his aching body. Sweat dripped off his face, making barely audible splash sounds when they hit the cave floor. He straightened when the other fighter did, keeping himself ready despite his body begging for rest. The person began to slowly walk forward, the torches scattered across the walls illuminating their features. As they did, his eyes met the other's.

He felt a pang of recognition. Sentou didn't know whose eyes they were, but he did know he knew them. He shifted through his memory, trying to figure out where he'd seen the eyes. They had a great meaning, he knew that, but he sucked at matching eyes to faces. It wasn't until the person spoke he knew who stood before him.

"It's been many years, hasn't it, Sentou? And what a way to meet."

His face paled, a tightening making his stomach uncomfortable. "Tenkei?" he breathed, the person before him stepped into the light, tilting back his head to that his face was visible. Both his eyes and hair were mirror images of his own. Tenkei's pale face was beaded with a few drops of sweat, but otherwise he looked absolutely fine.

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